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God reigns when we take a liberal view, when a liberal view is presented to us

God reigns when we take a liberal view, when a liberal view is presented to us Picture Quote #1

God reigns when we take a liberal view, when a liberal view is presented to us

Henry David Thoreau, the renowned American philosopher, writer, and naturalist, was a firm believer in the idea that God reigns when we take a liberal view. Thoreau's transcendentalist beliefs emphasized the importance of individualism, self-reliance, and the interconnectedness of all living beings. He believed that by embracing a liberal view, one could better connect with the divine and understand their place in the universe.

Thoreau's most famous work, "Walden," is a reflection on his two-year experiment living in a cabin in the woods near Walden Pond. During this time, Thoreau sought to simplify his life and live in harmony with nature. He believed that by immersing himself in the natural world, he could better understand the divine presence that permeated all of creation.

In "Walden," Thoreau writes, "I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived." Thoreau's time at Walden Pond allowed him to take a liberal view of the world around him, to see the interconnectedness of all living beings, and to better understand the divine presence that he believed was inherent in nature.

Thoreau's belief in the importance of taking a liberal view extended beyond his personal experiences at Walden Pond. He was a staunch advocate for social justice, civil disobedience, and the abolition of slavery. Thoreau believed that by embracing a liberal view of society, one could better understand the inherent worth and dignity of all individuals and work towards creating a more just and equitable world.
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