God sees us with the eyes of a Father. He sees our defects, errors and blemishes. But He also sees our value

God sees us with the eyes of a Father. He sees our defects, errors and blemishes. But He also sees our value
Max Lucado, a renowned Christian author and pastor, often emphasizes the idea that God sees us with the eyes of a Father. This concept is deeply rooted in the belief that God's love for us is unconditional and unwavering, much like the love of a parent for their child. Lucado frequently reminds his readers and listeners that God sees not only our defects, errors, and blemishes, but also our inherent value and worth.In a world that often focuses on perfection and success, it can be easy to feel inadequate or unworthy. We may be quick to judge ourselves harshly for our mistakes and shortcomings, forgetting that God sees us through a different lens. Lucado encourages us to remember that God's love for us is not based on our performance or achievements, but on the fact that we are His beloved children.
When we feel overwhelmed by our flaws and failures, it can be comforting to know that God sees beyond our imperfections. He sees the potential within us, the unique gifts and talents that make us who we are. Lucado often reminds his audience that we are fearfully and wonderfully made, created in the image of a loving and compassionate God.
By embracing the truth that God sees our value, we can find hope and encouragement in the midst of our struggles. We can rest in the knowledge that we are deeply loved and cherished by our Heavenly Father, regardless of our past mistakes or present circumstances. This perspective can bring a sense of peace and reassurance, knowing that we are accepted and valued just as we are.