Gold Quotes

Text Quotes
The hills like poets put on purple thought against the magnificent clamor of day tortured in gold (Gold Quotes)
Beauty attracts us men; but if, like an armed magnet it is pointed, beside, with gold and silver, it attracts with tenfold power (Gold Quotes)
Tobacco, divine, rare superexcellent tobacco, which goes far beyond all panaceas, potable gold and philosopher's stones, a sovereign remedy to all diseases (Gold Quotes)
Titles of honor are like the impressions on coins, which add no value to gold or silver, but only render brass current (Gold Quotes)
True, I cannot see the stars scattered like gold dust in the heavens, but stars just as bright shine in my soul (Gold Quotes)
he liked his transcendence out in plain sight where he could keep an eye on it - say, in a nice stained glass window - not woven through the fabric of life like gold threads through a brocade (Gold Quotes)
Thinking to get at once all the gold the goose could give, he killed it and opened it only to find - nothing (Gold Quotes)
You'll remember me when the west wind moves upon the fields of barley you can tell the sun in his jealous sky when we walked in fields of gold (Gold Quotes)
Faster and more fast, over night's brim, day boils at last; boils, pure gold, over the cloud cup's brim (Gold Quotes)
Dear, dead women, with such hair, too - what's become of all the gold Used to hang and brush their bosoms? (Gold Quotes)
Thought in the mind may come forth gold or dross; when coined in words, we know its real worth (Gold Quotes)
Gold glitters most where virtue shines no more, as stars from absent suns have leave to shine (Gold Quotes)
A gold medal is a nice thing - but if you're not enough without it, you'll never be enough with it (Gold Quotes)
Like birds, whose beauties languish half concealed, till, mounted on the wing, their glossy plumes expanded, shine with azure, green and gold; how blessings brighten as they take their flight (Gold Quotes)
Love has no thought of self! Love buys not with the ruthless usurer's gold the loathsome prostitution of a hand Without a heart! Love sacrifices all things To bless the thing it loves! (Gold Quotes)
The Europeans wanted gold and slaves, like everybody else; but at the same time they wanted statues put up to themselves as people who had done good things for the slaves (Gold Quotes)
I love you. Even more than gold and dreams, I love you. It seems insane you haven't realize it. You were the one who first informed me of it (Gold Quotes)
Humility was a cult in my family. I only got it out of my father by accident when he was very old that he had won an Olympic gold medal (Gold Quotes)
Rich and rare were the gems she wore, and a bright gold ring on her hand she bore (Gold Quotes)
She is mine own, and I as rich in having such a jewel As twenty seas, if all their sand were pearl, the water nectar, and the rocks pure gold (Gold Quotes)
How quickly nature falls into revolt when gold becomes her object! For this the foolish over careful fathers have broke their sleep with thoughts, their brains with care, their bones with industry (Gold Quotes)
Foul cankering rust the hidden treasure frets, but gold that's put to use more gold begets (Gold Quotes)
A sense is what has the power of receiving into itself the sensible forms of things without the matter, in the way in which a piece of wax takes on the impress of a signet ring without the iron or gold (Gold Quotes)
Best not to mix the past with the present. The present paints the past with gold. The past paints the present with lead (Gold Quotes)
Of folded schedules had she many a one, which she perused, sigh'd, tore, and gave the flood; crack'd many a ring of posied gold and bone bidding them find their sepulchres in mud (Gold Quotes)
Robes and furr'd gowns hide all. Plate sin with gold, and the strong lance of justice hurtless breaks; arm it in rags, a pigmy's straw doth pierce it (Gold Quotes)
He seems to be of great authority. Close with him, give him gold; and though authority be a stubborn bear, yet he is oft led by the nose with gold (Gold Quotes)
The cowslips tall her pensioners be. In their gold coats spots you see: Those be rubies, fairy favors; in those freckles live their savors (Gold Quotes)
Why, man, she is mine own, and I as rich in having such a jewel a twenty seas, if all their sand were pearl, the water nectar, and the rocks pure gold (Gold Quotes)
The eastern gate, all fiery red, opening on Neptune, with fair blessed beams, turns into yellow gold his salt green streams (Gold Quotes)