Golden Rule Quotes

Text Quotes
The duty of lovers is to tarnish the Golden Rule (Golden Rule Quotes)
We do teach our kids the golden rule - Do as you would be done by (Golden Rule Quotes)
Success in war depends upon the golden rule of war (Golden Rule Quotes)
I believe in the Golden Rule - The Man with the Gold... Rules (Golden Rule Quotes)
We live by the Golden Rule. Those who have the gold make the rules (Golden Rule Quotes)
I believe in the Golden Rule. I believe in practicing it (Golden Rule Quotes)
The Golden Rule: Do unto others (as in people, Mother Nature) as you would have done to yourself. Truly know thyself, and to thine own self be true. Have dreams/goals and never quit working toward achieving them (Golden Rule Quotes)
Nothing in the Golden Rule says that others will treat us as we have treated them. It only says that we must treat others in a way that we would want to be treated (Golden Rule Quotes)
The need to treat ourselves as well as we treat others. It’s women’s version of the Golden Rule (Golden Rule Quotes)
... the Golden Rule works for men as written, but for women it should go the other way around. We need to do unto ourselves as we do unto others (Golden Rule Quotes)
My mother was a Bible student, and when I was a youngster, both my mother and father would say, ‘If people would only live by the Golden Rule, there wouldn’t be the problems that there are.’ In other words, ‘treat people the way you want to be treated.’ If somebody mistreats you, two wrongs won’t make a right (Golden Rule Quotes)
I try to live [the Golden Rule] and I certainly expect it of some particular others. But I’ll be damned if I want most folk out there to do unto me what they do unto themselves (Golden Rule Quotes)
But despite these differences, so many of our faiths and traditions are rooted in the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would want done to you. Isn’t allowing adults to marry the person they love consistent with the Golden Rule? (Golden Rule Quotes)
In setting up a business under the name and meaning of the Golden Rule, I was publicly binding myself, in my business relations, to a principle which had been a real and intimate part of my family upbringing. Our idea was to make money and build business through serving the community with fair dealing and honest value. (Golden Rule Quotes)
The golden rule for every business man is this: ‘Put yourself in your customer’s place.’ (Golden Rule Quotes)
Sabbath’s golden rule: Cease from what is necessary. Embrace that which gives life. (Golden Rule Quotes)
I cannot remember a time when the Golden Rule was not my motto and precept, the torch that guided my footsteps. (Golden Rule Quotes)
The first thing to get clear about Christian morality between man and man is that in this department Christ did not come to teach any brand new morality. The Golden Rule of the New Testament (Do as you would be done by) is a summing up of what everyone, at bottom, had always known to be right (Golden Rule Quotes)
Six traits of effective leaders: 1. Make others feel important 2. Promote a vision 3. Follow the golden rule 4. Admit mistakes 5. Criticize others only in private 6. Stay close to the action Example has more followers than reason. We unconsciously imitate what pleases us, and approximate to the characters we most admire (Golden Rule Quotes)
Compassion is aptly summed up in the Golden Rule, which asks us to look into our own hearts, discover what gives us pain, and then refuse, under any circumstance whatsoever, to inflict that pain on anybody else. Compassion can be defined, therefore, as an attitude of principled, consistent altruism (Golden Rule Quotes)
I just live and let live and live my life pretty much according to the Golden Rule. And it turns out well for me (Golden Rule Quotes)
If you are an entrepreneur planning to start your own company, I can’t think of a better place to begin than by operating your business by the Golden Rule. Make this a high priority; never make a decision that contradicts the Golden Rule (Golden Rule Quotes)
Whoa, boy, he told himself. Golden Rule for Demigods: Thou shalt not Hokey Pokey with psychos (Golden Rule Quotes)
In nearly every religion I am aware of, there is a variation of the golden rule. And even for the non-religious, it is a tenet of people who believe in humanistic principles (Golden Rule Quotes)
Maybe we ought to consider a Golden Rule in foreign policy: Don’t do to other nations what we don’t want happening to us. We endlessly bomb these countries and then we wonder why they get upset with us? (Golden Rule Quotes)
I keep waiting for the roof to cave in. I was raised to follow the Golden Rule, you know, treat people the way you wish to be treated. That’s kind of the way I live my life. Maybe someone up there likes me for that (Golden Rule Quotes)
Absolutely speaking, Do unto others as you would that they should do unto you is by no means a golden rule, but the best of current silver. An honest man would have but little occasion for it. It is golden not to have any rule at all in such a case (Golden Rule Quotes)
The era of Christianity peace, brotherhood, the Golden Rule as applied to governmental matters is. yet to come, and when it comes, then, and then only, will the future of nations be sure (Golden Rule Quotes)
At the end of the day, the Golden Rule is called the Golden Rule for a reason - do unto others as you would have done to you. In terms of commandments you could probably just do that one and you would be well off. If everybody could adhere to that one, we’d be OK, as long as a masochist wasn’t in charge of people (Golden Rule Quotes)
To keep the Golden Rule we must put ourselves in other people’s places, but to do that consists in and depends upon picturing ourselves in their places. (Golden Rule Quotes)