Golf Quotes

Text Quotes
The rewards of golf, and of life too I expect, are worth very little if you don’t play the game by the etiquette as well as by the rules (Golf Quotes)
When I swing at a golf ball right, my mind is blank and my body is loose as a goose (Golf Quotes)
Golf course architects make me sick. They can’t play themselves, so they rig the courses so nobody else can play either (Golf Quotes)
I couldn’t tell you exactly what I like about golf. Just when you think you’ve got it mastered it lets you know you haven’t. I’m just crazy enough to do it (Golf Quotes)
There is no truth in the idea that the person who hits the most balls will become the best golfer. Golf is a bizarre sport. You can work for years on your game, without making any improvement in your score (Golf Quotes)
If you ever feel sorry for somebody on a golf course, you better go home. If you don’t kill them, they’ll kill you (Golf Quotes)
There’s more tension in golf than in boxing because golfers bring it on themselves. It’s silly really because it’s not as if the golf ball is going to jump up and belt you on the whiskers, is it? (Golf Quotes)
I realize that’s why we play golf, to hit the ball into the hole. But it is a strange feeling when you hit the shot and it actually goes in (Golf Quotes)
Most of the difficult things in golf are mental, not physical. Are subjective, not objective. Are the created phantasms of the mind, not the veritable realities of the course (Golf Quotes)
The trouble with me is I think too much. I always said you have to be dumb to play good golf (Golf Quotes)
I may know I am better than an 18, but the computer absorbs my scores year after year and continues to tell me that is what I am. Therein lies the tragedy of golf. We know what we should be, but there is always some number telling us what it is (Golf Quotes)
You’ve got to gamble every once in a while in a round of golf. I’m not afraid to screw up (Golf Quotes)
There are five top superstars in golf, 20 great stars, and 30 good ones. The rest should go and get jobs (Golf Quotes)
The most advanced medical brains in the universe have yet to discover a way for a man to relax himself, and looking at a golf ball is not the cure (Golf Quotes)
Hitting a golf ball correctly is the most sophisticated and complicated maneuver in all of sports, with the possible exception of eating a hot dog at a ball game without getting mustard on your shirt (Golf Quotes)
Like one’s own children, golf has an uncanny way of endearing itself to us while at the same time evoking every weakness of mind and character, no matter how well hidden (Golf Quotes)
Golf and women are a lot alike. You know you are not going to wind up with anything but grief, but you can’t resist the impulse (Golf Quotes)
It’s easy at times to win golf tournaments and shoot 59, and sometimes it’s hard to post an 85 (Golf Quotes)
In my opinion, no young player can develop his or her game to its highest potential if he or she rides around the course in a golf cart (Golf Quotes)
I compare the pressure of a golf shot with making an extra point in basketball. The player starts from a full stop, and that rim doesn’t move (Golf Quotes)
I don’t like the way most people dress on the golf course. I think it’s pretty bland, pretty boring (Golf Quotes)
Golf being a cold, calculating sort of game gives perhaps more scope for folly than any other. We have all the time in the world to make up our minds as to what is the wise thing to do and then we do the foolish one (Golf Quotes)
Playing with your spouse on the golf course runs almost as great a marital risk as getting caught playing with someone else’s anywhere else (Golf Quotes)
In golf, the customs and etiquette and decorum are as important as the rules of play (Golf Quotes)
This is what I love to do. And if pressure is something that comes with playing good golf, thats something a professional golfer has to handle (Golf Quotes)
Golf is a particularly severe strain upon the amiability of the average person’s temper, and in no other game, except bridge, is serenity of disposition so essential (Golf Quotes)
I just enjoy playing in wind, grew up in it, and it makes the golf a bit more fun (Golf Quotes)
I’ve been in some seriously bad places playing golf and it’s just part of the game. You’re going to hit bad shots, you’re going to be in bad spots, and each course, when you learn it, you learn where not to go (Golf Quotes)
No matter how you play the golf course, no matter how well you play, you’re going to have to make 6 and 8 footers for par. It’s just a given here (Golf Quotes)
Golf is fluid. It’s always changing. It’s always evolving. First of all, you never master it (Golf Quotes)