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Gonna Quotes

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I’m always gonna have the darker edgy music; it is always in my pocket because it comes so naturally to me  (Gonna Quotes) You learn how to be an individual quick after 15 schools, man. After the first five or six, you realize you’re always gonna be the new kid  (Gonna Quotes) But the action film genre is gonna have to come up with some new bad guys  (Gonna Quotes) I regret that I’ve never actually managed to be inspired enough to get into anything else, and I should’ve been, I really should have been, because the piano can be a wonderful instrument. But I’m afraid that my inspiration is just purely on the words... and it’s gonna stay there  (Gonna Quotes) I’m having a bad day. I am not size six. My legs are not skinny as sticks, and dammit, someone’s got to pay. I’m afraid that I can’t satisfy myself and that my happiness depends on someone else. I feel weak, so you’re gonna take the fall. You’re so shallow  (Gonna Quotes) It’s the fans that need spring training. You gotta get them interested. Wake them up and let them know that their season is coming, the good times are gonna roll  (Gonna Quotes) The day you were born, it was already written down the day you’re gonna check out. Now, I’m not gonna throw myself under a truck, but I’m not gonna worry about when I die. I’m ready to move on when that day comes  (Gonna Quotes) Shake off this erroneous notion that life is there and you’re just gonna live in it, versus embrace it, change it, improve it, make your mark upon it  (Gonna Quotes) Here she comes that little town flirt, you’re falling for her and you’re gonna get hurt  (Gonna Quotes) I can see clearly now that the rain is gone, I can see all obstacles in my way. Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind, it’s gonna be a bright, bright sun shining day  (Gonna Quotes) What we have done though is consistently looked for additional opportunities to get stuff done. Wherever we see a possibility of increasing wages, creating more jobs, making sure that more people are able to access opportunity, we’re gonna seize it  (Gonna Quotes) I need to see my friends or I’m gonna go crazy. I’m not gonna stay home and work  (Gonna Quotes) When you love what you do, more than likely everything is gonna just come out decent  (Gonna Quotes) I think aerobatic pilots make the best pilots because you know, you’re just so confident in an aeroplane. If you’re gonna get into trouble, I’d rather be with someone that’s a skilled aerobatic pilot  (Gonna Quotes) No matter who you are, no matter what you’re doing, no matter how focus you are, no matter how ready you think you? are, you’re not gonna catch me  (Gonna Quotes) It is only by going through a volume of work that... your work will be as good as your ambitions. And I took longer to figure out how to do this than anyone I’ve ever met. It’s gonna take awhile. It’s normal to take awhile. You’ve just gotta fight your way through  (Gonna Quotes) Im gonna walk super, super slow to when I turn 40 or something. To me, walking and floating slow represents how wealthy you are!  (Gonna Quotes) If you’re having fun doing what you’re doing, you’re gonna really want to work hard at it  (Gonna Quotes) When I’m following what a character does in a book I don’t have to think about my own life. Where I am. Why I’m here. My moms and my brother and my old man. I can just think about the character’s life and try and figure out what’s gonna happen. Plus when you’re in a group home you pretty much can’t go anywhere, right? But when you read books you almost feel like you’re out there in the world. Like you’re going on this adventure right with the main character. At least, that’s the way I do it. It’s actually not that bad. Even if it is mad nerdy  (Gonna Quotes) You read something and you just feel this makes sense. And sometimes before you even read it you have a feeling that yeah, I’m probably gonna do this one  (Gonna Quotes) When you’re a director, for two years or at least a year and a half, that’s what your life is. So if you’re gonna do it, you gotta be ready to do it and it has to be something you care about. I’ve found something that I do care about  (Gonna Quotes) We’re gonna believe in each other, we’re not gonna criticize each other, we’re not gonna talk about each other, we’re gonna encourage each other  (Gonna Quotes) Bullying is not gonna stop, but we can at least be confident enough to stand up to it  (Gonna Quotes) You’re gonna meet tons of different people throughout your life, and it’s totally worth it to stick your neck out a little bit if you like someone. Even when you get shot down, it seems really devastating, but it’s not in the long run  (Gonna Quotes) I think with anybody who’s doing well in the public eye or whatever, there’s always gonna be a shift because people don’t wanna see somebody happy all the time. And they’re gonna try to take shots at people  (Gonna Quotes) I really do think that if you’re doing your job right, you’re never gonna be what the other actor was, but you can be influenced by his intelligence and his choices  (Gonna Quotes) I don’t mind assholes. It’s the dork I don’t trust. The dork is the one who’s trying to be whatever he thinks you want him to be. I trust the asshole cause you know where he’s gonna stand  (Gonna Quotes) My people, my people, what can I say; say what I can. I saw it but didn’t believe it; I didn’t believe what I saw. Are we gonna live together? Together are we gonna live?  (Gonna Quotes) Magicians are the most honest people in the world; they tell you they’re gonna fool you, and then they do it  (Gonna Quotes) They say that no one’s gonna play this on the radio. They said the melancholy blues were dead and gone. But only songs like these played in minor keys, keep those memories holding on  (Gonna Quotes)
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