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Gonna Quotes

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I’m not that into reading. If I’m gonna read, I’m gonna read some cool sci-fi book or something, not some stupid self-help book  (Gonna Quotes) I’m passionate about everything, like my family and friends. Anybody I am talkin’ to is gonna be bona fide real. There is no substitution for happiness. Period  (Gonna Quotes) My fear is that, as soon as I get married and have kids that I’ll kind of do what a lot of people do and suddenly start making, ‘Now I’m gonna make films for kids.’ I really hope I don’t do that  (Gonna Quotes) My mom was a Democrat and I was scared to death that she was gonna blow it. First I was going to hell with Monroe, and now to Republican hell with Nixon  (Gonna Quotes) On a day when you’re tired, it’s important to just say good morning to everyone so they’re kind of aware that it’s gonna be a good day. Jamie Lee Curtis told me that  (Gonna Quotes) People always used to say to me, ‘Don’t you want your own show? That’d be so cool if you had your own show.’ I said, ‘You know, it’s not gonna happen. So - no. ‘  (Gonna Quotes) Surfing is such an amazing concept. You’re taking on Nature with a little stick and saying, ‘I’m gonna ride you!’ And a lot of times Nature says, ‘No you’re not!’ and crashes you to the bottom  (Gonna Quotes) They think they can make fuel from horse manure - now, I don’t know if your car will be able to get 30 miles to the gallon, but it’s sure gonna put a stop to siphoning  (Gonna Quotes) We played in Texas about a year ago, at Emo’s, the famous country and western club in Austin. And I figured, well, if I’m finally gonna die onstage, that’s where it’s going to be!  (Gonna Quotes) We’re gonna try and bring on all the different aspects of horror movie making and bring on guests and show all these old 50’s B movies. Not the real corny ones, the real cool ones  (Gonna Quotes) Sometimes when things get kind of frantic, it helps to call my husband Steve, because I think he’s got a real good sense of where everything’s gonna be in a few years  (Gonna Quotes) No, there will come a time where I’m not gonna do this anymore. I mean, there will come a time, definitely, where I’ll turn into Elvis - I’m gonna be fat and fishin’, I guarantee you  (Gonna Quotes) All of a sudden Kevin told me that the movie got bought and was gonna be shown in a movie theatre. I was shocked. I was psyched. It was just weird  (Gonna Quotes) I want to put some effort into a bunch of different types of videos. I don’t think I’m gonna do ‘Man On The Street’ messing with people, I don’t think I’m gonna do over-the-top wacky comedy  (Gonna Quotes) I’ve been a hip hop head forever. So when it turned out that we were gonna start getting celebrity guests for every show, I wanted rap guys from the get - go  (Gonna Quotes) It’s hard for bands to stick it out because people grow up, and it never really pays off. If you’re looking for some sort of payoff, it’s not gonna happe  (Gonna Quotes) Who says I’m gonna marry another guy? In Europe it’s not like in America, where you set a date  (Gonna Quotes) Now I take the summer off, relax, and I know that at the end of July we’re gonna start another season  (Gonna Quotes) You cannot mock God because whatever good thing you do, you’re gonna reap for it  (Gonna Quotes) When you get into the game you’ve got be thinking, when I get into the attacking third I’m gonna be freakin’ creative  (Gonna Quotes) I finally decided if I was going to make a living, I was gonna have to come to New York  (Gonna Quotes) When Phish broke up, I made some comment about how I’m not gonna go around playing ‘You Enjoy Myself’ for the rest of my life  (Gonna Quotes) It doesn’t look great if you cancel the reigning Best Comedy Program, you know, you’re gonna take a hit from a... from sort of a public relations standpoint  (Gonna Quotes) I remember being told ‘Someone’s gonna make a fortune out of this rap thing’ and thinking ‘no way’  (Gonna Quotes) I thought, ‘My God, I’m gonna make $15,000 a week for 13 weeks.’ What would I do with that kind of money? You know, I had never seen anything like that before in my life  (Gonna Quotes) I’m a very modest person. But I’m also extremely confident. And if you put me in the situation or in the moment, I’m gonna have some swagger, I’m gonna have some cockiness  (Gonna Quotes) I live on a ranch in Utah for now, but I’m gonna move. I’ve got another ranch to move to, but its location is a secret. When I get there, I’m gonna plow the road in behind me  (Gonna Quotes) I was looking at the setlist backstage and I just said, ‘Oh my God, the first six songs nobody’s gonna know.’ But they all knew the lyrics. It just blew me away  (Gonna Quotes) Well, I heard of Sunny Ade, and looks as if his music is gonna be big on a global level, because I was in London the other day and some people asked me to review the album  (Gonna Quotes) If we could buy these properties and then invest in the Black community, with our own McDonald’s, with our own Kentucky Fried Chickens, it was gonna be a great move  (Gonna Quotes)
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