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Gonna Quotes

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I didn’t go to Latin America thinking, ‘I’m gonna write a book. This is what I’m gonna do.’ I went there to work for UNICEF and to learn  (Gonna Quotes) It’s the fans that need spring training. You gotta get ‘em interested. Wake ‘em up and let ‘em know that their season is coming, the good times are gonna roll  (Gonna Quotes) I don’t think that they know fully what’s happening with Miss Match so therefore I don’t know how many more if any, if the show’s even gonna keep going  (Gonna Quotes) I think if you live in a black-and-white world, you’re gonna suffer a lot. I used to be like that. But I don’t believe that anymore  (Gonna Quotes) The truth is - most things are probably gonna fail. But my failures bring me to the next thing. So in that regard, nothing’s a failure, it’s a continuation  (Gonna Quotes) I’m not a gangster, I’m not a thug.. I’m just me and if I feel like someone is trying to hurt me.. yeah I’m gonna hurt ‘em.. if you come and you ain’t coming right I’m gonna blow your head off  (Gonna Quotes) When you get in a point when you generate finances in a circle of people they gonna treat you different. They gonna treat you like as if you’re gonna bring the money. You’re the cash cow  (Gonna Quotes) If I don’t make music I’m going back to the hood. I’ll sell crack. I’m gonna go back to sell crack if I can’t make it in the music business and that’s what I was doing before that  (Gonna Quotes) I never set out to write books for children. I don’t have a feeling that I’m gonna save children or my life is devoted  (Gonna Quotes) At first when you start a company, everything’s gonna feel like a mess and it really should. It should feel like everyday there’s a new problem, and what you’re doing is fundamentally triaging  (Gonna Quotes) As the company scales, everybody is not going to get invited to every single meeting, but they’re gonna want to go to every meeting  (Gonna Quotes) I walk into a company office and I can tell often whether I’m gonna invest, as soon as I walk in  (Gonna Quotes) No matter how well prepared you are in life, you’re gonna fall down a hole, and if you can fix the frayed ends of things, then you’re better off  (Gonna Quotes) If someone says that I’m the best at anything, I always just agree with them. I’m certainly not gonna argue  (Gonna Quotes) Definitely if you’re an athlete, you’re gonna be having all the baseball fame you can have. That’s the great thing about baseball and sports. You can measure ability  (Gonna Quotes) At the end of the day, it’s hard to keep relationships with people. I’ve got my family, my best friends and if a girl’s gonna be a part of that then it’s got to be good. If not, I’m out  (Gonna Quotes) I’m an artist first and foremost. So things are gonna go up and down and sideways and whichever way all through life  (Gonna Quotes) When you use sleep mask, no one’s gonna recognize you. You’re gonna look like an idiot, but it’s so worth it  (Gonna Quotes) Hell’s a dry heat too. It still sucks. Let me know if you pull anything. I’m gonna go get a cold beer and pour it down my pants  (Gonna Quotes) In exchange for ten years of being on top, I’m gonna end up in prison or I’m gonna end up dead, and there’s something fascinating about that  (Gonna Quotes) To me, if I’m reading a fantastic story or I go on a nice first date and I have a wonderful time, I’m not gonna complain because it didn’t work out. I’m gonna go on a second date  (Gonna Quotes) I was talking to Alan Jackson. He had his second Greatest Hits album. He said, You don’t ever get into this really thinking you’re gonna make it  (Gonna Quotes) I went to rent a car, and the guy goes, ‘Do you want the extra insurance?’ I said, ‘Why...am I gonna get into an extra accident?  (Gonna Quotes) Do you ever have one of those weeks where you know nothings gonna go right  (Gonna Quotes) People might say, What’s so great about the Arctic Monkeys? I’ve never even seen them. Well, you’ve never seen God either. You’re gonna tell me he’s not awesome?  (Gonna Quotes) All the sick are gonna be healed, the dead are gonna be raised and nations are gonna turn to God in a day  (Gonna Quotes) Well, you need to hear about money, because you ain’t gonna have no love and joy and peace until you get some money  (Gonna Quotes) The moment somebody becomes famous, 15 years gets knocked off their life. They’re gonna get divorced a few times, they’re gonna be addicted to things, they’re gonna be in therapy  (Gonna Quotes) You’re gonna notice me when I come in. I’m gonna make a statement without opening my mouth, and when I leave, you’re gonna remember that  (Gonna Quotes) I thought, I’m in my late 50s now, am I ever gonna get the chance to do another album again  (Gonna Quotes)
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