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Gonna Quotes

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Is Chris Rock still gonna host the Oscars after this blatant racism?? Is everyone still gonna show up??  (Gonna Quotes) The main thing I look at is: Is it from the heart? If I know that you down with me, then we always gonna be down through whatever the thick and thin  (Gonna Quotes) I always loved music, but it’s not something I thought I was gonna approach on a professional level  (Gonna Quotes) Anything that has to do with noir and space, I’m gonna love. When you’ve got a noir-ish, pulpy detective in a science fiction show, I’m all in, in that regard  (Gonna Quotes) And, you know, I don’t wanna have to worry about whether she’s gonna get sick as a consequence to having - having her lunch  (Gonna Quotes) When I’m looking for DJ sets and stuff to drop, I look for music that I feel is gonna get the reaction I want from the crowd  (Gonna Quotes) I’m a little older and I’m gonna do a bunch more movies and then they’re gonna put me in a home for old directors  (Gonna Quotes) We’re never gonna move forward if we can’t let go of things, especially things that don’t happen to people today  (Gonna Quotes) It’s now or never I ain’t gonna live forever I just wanna live while I’m alive It’s my life  (Gonna Quotes) For Halloween I’m gonna be emotionally stable. No one’s gonna know it’s me  (Gonna Quotes) Well you found us strength and solutions but I liked the tension And not always knowing the answers when you’re gonna lose it, you’re gonna lose it  (Gonna Quotes) I am at the Olympics, I forgot to tie my suit, how is this gonna happen  (Gonna Quotes) In relationships you’re gonna fight and argue but before the day ends just try to fix the problem and let it be known you love each other  (Gonna Quotes) I let some blind guy borrow money the other day. He said he was gonna pay me back the next time he saw me.. Wait  (Gonna Quotes) You’re gonna get judged no matter what you do. Just be yourself because people will never be fully satisfied so there’s no point on trying  (Gonna Quotes) I’m gonna show all these people. Keep doubting me. Just giving fuel to the fire  (Gonna Quotes) I’ll never have better friends than my group of girls and no ones ever gonna care like they do. I really am blessed to have them  (Gonna Quotes) Never shed a tear for someone who’s not gonna be there to wipe them away  (Gonna Quotes) Im gonna start keeping my distance from a few people. Its not that I have a problem with them. Its just that they’re not benefiting my life  (Gonna Quotes) Whether its a pat on the back, or a foot in the door to your dream job, you’re still gonna die  (Gonna Quotes) In life, you gotta learn to get on to the next chapter. If not, you’re just gonna be stuck on the same old page  (Gonna Quotes) Success is not for the weak and uncommitted... Sometimes it’s gonna hurt!  (Gonna Quotes) Of course shes gonna say that shes happy for you and flash that smile you love, but if you look into those eyes you can see that you shattered her world  (Gonna Quotes) People who think they are suddenly gonna be a changed person once its the new year, are absolute idiots  (Gonna Quotes) There’s always gonna be that one person in your life that you can’t walk away from even if you know you have to  (Gonna Quotes) When you hear a loud explosion followed by immediate loss of power. It’s probably gonna be a long day  (Gonna Quotes) I have a care free attitude. I know life isn’t gonna be easy. So whatever happens, happens. I can either be sad about it or move on  (Gonna Quotes) Gonna start keeping my distance from a lot of people. I don’t need everyone in my business and causing more problems to my life  (Gonna Quotes) I’m not even gonna get mad anymore. I’m just going to learn to expect the lowest out of the people I thought the highest of  (Gonna Quotes) Take a deep breath, listen to your favorite song and realize everything is gonna be okay, nothing is permanent  (Gonna Quotes)
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