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Gonna Quotes

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You’re gonna have a hard time ever being happy if you aren’t thankful for what you already have  (Gonna Quotes) All good things never last so enjoy every second of the day as the last because you’ll never know when its gonna change for the worst  (Gonna Quotes) I ways get my hopes up for absolutely no reason what so ever. Because I know for. Fact I’m gonna be let down every time  (Gonna Quotes) You keep knocking on the devil’s door long enough and sooner or later someone’s gonna answer you  (Gonna Quotes) I know nothing can be wrong, when you are with me and I promise everything’s gonna be alright when I’m with you  (Gonna Quotes) When you get to a place where you don’t go for what you can get, but you go for what you can give, you gonna see your life change tremendously  (Gonna Quotes) I don’t know how long this is going to last, so every dream I ever imagined, I’m gonna make it happen  (Gonna Quotes) I won’t go looking for love, love will find me. As for now, I’m gonna enjoy being single, young, and free  (Gonna Quotes) Somebody steals from me, I’m gonna say you stole. Not talk to him for spitting on the sidewalk. Understand?  (Gonna Quotes) If you don’t have money, I’m not hanging out with you. Not gonna spot a free loader  (Gonna Quotes) How many butts am I gonna have to cut before you people realize not to be dummies?  (Gonna Quotes) Settle down, precious. I know what you’re going through. Ten minutes before you got here, I was gonna jump, too  (Gonna Quotes) Don’t always be good so that people will like u. Sometimes u need to be yourself so that you’ll know who’s gonna leave you and who will stay  (Gonna Quotes) Women will never learn if a guy tried to get with you while you were in a relationship what makes you think hes not gonna cheat on you  (Gonna Quotes) Being arrogant and ego only gonna destroy yourself. People will leave you because of that attitude  (Gonna Quotes) Sometimes, I can’t be put back together. It feels like I’m always gonna be this way forever. But sometimes, the sadness is all I have, so I don’t want to be better  (Gonna Quotes) In the end everything is gonna be okay. If its not okay, then its not the end  (Gonna Quotes) Some ppl are gonna stay in our hearts forever; even if we’re not in theirs  (Gonna Quotes) I never really feel like I’m sure a film’s gonna happen until I’m maybe halfway through  (Gonna Quotes) Remember that your not gonna live forever. Be young, think smart, stay true and just follow your heart  (Gonna Quotes) I understand what you’re saying, and your comments are valuable, but I’m gonna ignore your advice  (Gonna Quotes) Stop chasing the girls and chase your dream. You get that dream she’s gonna chase you. They don’t like you. They like the dream you’re chasing  (Gonna Quotes) If you’re gonna make love with the person whom you love so much. Do it wearing the safest thing. A wedding ring  (Gonna Quotes) I doubt when I’m older I’m going to worry about the tattoos that I have, in gonna be regretting all the other wild things I didn’t do  (Gonna Quotes) Just because it hurts, doesn’t mean you’re gonna die. You got to get up and try, try, try!  (Gonna Quotes) You have to learn the opponent psychologically inside out and mental strength is one of the important makers. You’re either gonna break it or make it  (Gonna Quotes) Accept me for who I am cause no way I’m gonna change into who you want me to be  (Gonna Quotes) What is the point of putting your guard up? No one’s gonna love you that way  (Gonna Quotes) You’re not gonna like everything that happens, but sooner or later your gonna have to accept things for the way they are  (Gonna Quotes) Everybody thinks they have the answer to how to be a good parent. Here’s mine: Everybody’s gonna make mistakes  (Gonna Quotes)
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