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Gonna Quotes

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Never sacrifice the happy moments just because of the difficult parts in a relationship. Nobody said it was gonna be easy  (Gonna Quotes) If one of your best friends is making a Star Wars movie, you’re not gonna not abuse that privilege. I defy anybody to say otherwise!  (Gonna Quotes) I’m gonna do clothes, but stuff that kids can afford. I want to get into the high fashion world very soon, but the stuff I want to start out with is the small stuff, for the kids, that anybody can afford the Nikes, or the Jordans, Or let’s say they can’t afford the big brand name clothes, so I would make a lower end line but still high-quality  (Gonna Quotes) We live in a culture where everyone is perfectly willing to do this [to make a lot of money], and they’re just looking for the opportunity. Obviously, a person who is really dumb is not gonna make a zillion dollars. But for a person who is really smart, really smart, it’s a boring pursuit. It’s not endlessly fascinating  (Gonna Quotes) I’m married to the street; I ain’t gonna switch over. I ain’t gonna go religion on nobody. I believe in God - God is for the thugs too - but the streets are in the most trouble. So I’mma keep it focused on the streets and the struggle. That’s what I’m mainly about  (Gonna Quotes) If I wasted my time trying to be like everybody else when I was 10 and 11, I wouldn’t be me today. So if you are gonna be the future rockstars, the future somebody, whatever you wanna be then you’re wasting your time trying to be somebody else, because you’ll never get to you  (Gonna Quotes) People look at me and keep walking - but you can tell they know who I am. I want them to bug me. Its gonna be a sad day when they dont  (Gonna Quotes) They can sonically sound like me, but nobody’s ever gonna be able to write songs like T-Pain. There’s only one of those  (Gonna Quotes) You’ve gotta know happy. You’ve gotta know sad. ‘Cause you’re gonna know lonely and you’re gonna know sad  (Gonna Quotes) I’m never gonna go into a studio and work for a whole year non-stop. Just every day on my own in the studio working, it’s just too damn hard  (Gonna Quotes) We are the rags to riches story, okay, the Robertson’s are. Okay? We had very humble beginnings. Everybody’s trying to figure out what, what’s behind it, and all the Robertsons say, ‘Hey, it’s divine intervention.’ Me personally, okay, God’s gonna take ‘Duck Dynasty’ where he wants it to go, okay, and to the people that he wants it to go to  (Gonna Quotes) Adaptations are fun for me because they connect to the idea of filmmaking I had when I was a kid. I would see a movie and think: ‘I’m gonna make that movie.’  (Gonna Quotes) You gotta fight. You gotta get out the negative energy. Don’t let it build up. You end up screaming at each other over something totally stupid, like, ‘Well, why’d you put this spoon in this drawer then?’ ‘Just to p-s you off, that’s why! I got spoons hidden all over this house! Keep it up, and your napkin rings are gonna start disappearing.’  (Gonna Quotes) If you walk with Jesus, he’s gonna save your soul. You gotta keep the devil way down in the hole. He’s got the fire and the fury at his command  (Gonna Quotes) There’s gonna be all the twists and turns you would expect and twists and turns you did not expect, the finale is probably the most jam-packed episode there’s ever been. Things are packed into it like sardines. All of the life is squeezed in there. They lengthened it to 90 minutes because there’s just so much. It’s a supersized monstrosity  (Gonna Quotes) Tony Abbott might think coal’s good for humanity, of course it was an important driver in the story of the Australian nation. But when we’re talking about the 21st Century and those industries that are gonna take us forward, it won’t be coal  (Gonna Quotes) Any live venue where there is alcohol served and it’s past midnight there is gonna be fights. It doesn’t matter if it’s Hip-Hop, Rock or Jazz  (Gonna Quotes) When you play a character it’s the persona you bring across from a book to film, or book to script to film. If I play Frank Sinatra, there’s gonna be things I do in a movie that Frank might not have done, but it’s the personality that comes across  (Gonna Quotes) I’m one of them guys that tries to make everything the best of the best, so sometimes I’m out of control with it. I’m just gonna use every feature to make me outrageous - the best  (Gonna Quotes) I’ve know Jeezy before he was Jeezy. I’ve been down with Cash Money from back in the day. So these are real relationships. I’m there for them and they’re there for me. And they know if I’m going to make a record with somebody, I’m gonna hit a home run  (Gonna Quotes) Most actors here go to the West Coast; I ended up going to Ireland. My buddies who left drama school, they had this arrogance - ‘We don’t want to typecast ourselves.’ But I said, ‘I want to do Irish parts. That’s the thing that’s gonna give me the leg up.’  (Gonna Quotes) I’m happy to be on a winning team. My individual success, that lasts for a short period of time. The success of being a part of the South, of Atlanta, which is now the hot bed of music, that’s what’s gonna last the longest. The fact that I contributed to planting our flag and moving music to my city, that’s what I’m most proud of  (Gonna Quotes) The talking shows are like free jazz. I’m just gonna go out there and blow with the idea of keeping it streamlined and not wasting time. It’s wild. And it’s a great thing when you see a performer really able to  (Gonna Quotes) When I got home from school, I never knew which mood of my mom was gonna be on the other side of the door. I didn’t know what I was gonna get when I turned the doorknob. That’s very good preparation if you want to be a producer  (Gonna Quotes) It’s the next phase of authorship of this country’s energy future. It’s gonna come from the people. It’s not gonna be deus ex machina or Obama ex machina, or science ex machina. It’s gonna be the people. It’s not going to be a wind energy company that comes in and saves the day. It’s going to be the people who figure this out  (Gonna Quotes) I was gonna open a gym and was in negotiation to buy the gym I was working out at. It was a small mom-and-pop and (the owner) wanted to move back to the west coast. My wife at (that) time came down with skin cancer  (Gonna Quotes) When I read it and I realized that Michael Landon, Jr. was the director of it, I thought...this could work out well. This is not gonna be a hard stretch for me to get the character figured out at all. Outside of the billion dollars, I was living his life...chasing money down. It was a lot of fun  (Gonna Quotes) It’s uncomfortable for me, but at least they’re bouquets. They’re not bricks or tomatoes yet, although it’s gonna feel nice to get that big, rotten tomato right in the face, just get it out of the way  (Gonna Quotes) I’m gonna design my own fleet of trailers. No! I’m gonna record an album like Jennifer Lopez. It’ll be an acoustic version of K.C. and the Sunshine Band. Then maybe I’ll design a line of clothes like Puff Daddy, but all in synthetic fur  (Gonna Quotes) You know what I’m great at? Trivial Pursuit. What good is that gonna do you in life? It has the word ‘trivial’ in the name. The game is basically telling you that you pursue trivial things. Trivial - as in not important. Trivial - as in maybe you should’ve gone to grad school  (Gonna Quotes)
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