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Gonna Quotes

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You don’t know where life’s gonna take you. Sometimes it takes you getting carried out of a club and then into a booth as an apology for it.  (Gonna Quotes) I’m an average guy. I wasn’t the dude who was gonna sit at the stage and dump all my paycheck into the girl.  (Gonna Quotes) Literally, I don’t know where life is gonna go from one day to the next, and that’s as exciting as it is tiring.  (Gonna Quotes) I’m so totally future oriented that, for me, I don’t know what the future’s about, but I can promise you it’s gonna be exciting.  (Gonna Quotes) Don’t ever know who you may meet, or just because a person may not be dressed up all fancy, don’t mean they’re not an important person. You just don’t ever know who you’re gonna meet in life. So that’s why I look at everybody as equal. Can’t just judge. I treat everybody with respect. Every man.  (Gonna Quotes) I grew up as an only child. I think it might just be that my dad really didn’t care that I was a girl. You’re gonna do certain things ‘cause I want you to, and that’s the way it is.  (Gonna Quotes) We’ll lose more species of plants and animals between 2000 and 2065 than we’ve lost in the last 65 million years. If we don’t find answers to these problems, we’re gonna be victims of this extinction event that we’re at fault for.  (Gonna Quotes) If I was in a situation where it wasn’t working and I had a choice with another man, I’m gonna assess it like a business deal: who is the better person for me?  (Gonna Quotes) Geez, I should stop ruining my life searching for answers I’m never gonna get, and just enjoy it while it lasts.  (Gonna Quotes) We’ve got to face the fact that some people say you fight fire best with fire, but we say you put fire out best with water. We say you don’t fight racism with racism. We’re gonna fight racism with solidarity.  (Gonna Quotes) On any given Sunday you’re gonna win or you’re gonna lose. The point is -- can you win or lose like a man?  (Gonna Quotes) When I get the strength to leave, you always tell me that you need me. And I’m weak cause I believe you and I’m mad because I love you. So I stop and think that maybe you could learn to appreciate me, and it all remains the same that you ain’t never gonna change.  (Gonna Quotes) It just gets draining on a person being in the papers every day. So I was like, I’m gonna come back here. I want to talk to all the people, the fans. I want to let them know how much I appreciate all their support.  (Gonna Quotes) I’ve learned over the years to appreciate God’s timing, and you can’t rush things; it’s gonna happen exactly when it’s supposed to.  (Gonna Quotes) I am the commander in chief of the United States armed forces, and Iraq is gonna have to ultimately provide for its own security.  (Gonna Quotes) Art and life are subjective. Not everybody’s gonna dig what I dig, but I reserve the right to dig it.  (Gonna Quotes) If you’re gonna wait for the universe to start making sense, you have a long wait ahead of you  (Gonna Quotes) My fear is that, as soon as I get married and have kids that I’ll kind of do what a lot of people do and suddenly start making, ‘Now I’m gonna make films for kids.’ I really hope I don’t do that.  (Gonna Quotes) One of these days we’re gonna have to grow up, have to get real jobs and be adults, someday, just not today.  (Gonna Quotes) One day you’re gonna ask that to the wrong girl who is really struggling and it’s gonna be hurtful to them. And I hate it.  (Gonna Quotes) I came out of the mall one day, and a guy was standing there with a coat hanger in his window, and I couldn’t stop myself. I asked the stupid question. ‘You lock your keys in the car?’ ‘Nope, just washed it, gonna hang it up to dry.’  (Gonna Quotes) I’ve been asking around to find out what girls are into, Eugene tells me, really pleased with himself. So I’m gonna get a spray tan and make red-velvet cupcakes.  (Gonna Quotes) You have to have an attitude that nothing’s gonna stop me. I think that’s just my New York kind of attitude - survival of the fittest.  (Gonna Quotes) There’s people who live life authentically and there’s people who live a life of fabrication. And it begins with the question of how you’re gonna do your time. And these are observations I made about Folsom when I was there with Dustin Hoffman when he was directing ‘Straight Time.’  (Gonna Quotes) You can’t turn up at college in stilettos and say you’re gonna be a filmmaker. In the college, they were teaching me avant-garde filmmaking, where I had to make films that were, like, an hour long about nothing. I just refused to do it.  (Gonna Quotes) When I was a kid I got no respect. I told my mother, I’m gonna run away from home. She said, On your mark...  (Gonna Quotes) God gives me the children’s ministry heart and patience. This is what He wants. It’s awesome. I don’t know where He’s gonna take it - but God is building this thing.  (Gonna Quotes) It’s like these songs are your babies and you don’t want anybody to think your babies are ugly! You never really know until you throw it out there if it’s gonna take. And that is a really scary and vulnerable place to be, so having those songs be embraced is the best feeling in the world. That’s been our dream our whole lives.  (Gonna Quotes) I’ve never eaten a Hot Pocket and then afterwards been, I’m glad I ate that. I’m always like, I’m gonna die! I paid for that? Did I eat it or rub it on my face? My back hurts.  (Gonna Quotes) There’s always gonna be people saying they were so much better back in the day  (Gonna Quotes)
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