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Gonna Quotes

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Everything on my body turned real dark. My toes, under my feet, inside my mouth, under my tongue - I just turned really dark. I’m still here, but it’s gonna take a while to get back to normal. Chemo kills all the good cells along with the bad.  (Gonna Quotes) I’m not an aspiring young actor; I’m a storyteller who made it late in life, and I’m therefore an inspiration to everyone who thinks that, at 23, if you’re not in the Backstreet Boys, then you’re never gonna make it.  (Gonna Quotes) Not every corporation is a great bunch of people. Like in any group of people, you’re gonna have bad apples, bad actors here and there.  (Gonna Quotes) My attitude these days is, if you write a bad song, what are they gonna do, throw you in songwriter jail?  (Gonna Quotes) Anybody not wearing a two-million sun block is gonna have a pretty bad day  (Gonna Quotes) They say it’s the good girls who keep diaries. The bad girls never have the time. Me, I just wanna live a life I’m gonna remember even if I don’t write it down.  (Gonna Quotes) We’re never gonna understand women. They’re way too complex. You’ve got too many variables to consider. PMS, bad hair days, miscellaneous mood swings . . . there’s no way to tell what’s causing their attitude. - Mike  (Gonna Quotes) I like to write and draw and paint, and my mom’s an artist, so I think I get caught up in thinking, ‘I’m afraid it’s gonna be bad,’ and it’s hard for me to start sometimes.  (Gonna Quotes) So you need an alarm system because you gonna be in bad neighborhoods?Actually, I sort of stole a car, and I’m afraid the owner will try to get it back.  (Gonna Quotes) There’s the conforming 9-to-5-lifestyle thing. Then there’s, like, settling down, trying to find a balance in a relationship sense, or having a dog and having a house. All these things, like, they’re not really gonna make you happy.  (Gonna Quotes) You’re gonna lose some ball games and you’re gonna win some ball games and that’s about it.  (Gonna Quotes) I feel my personality is richer than my bank account. So if I meet a girl, maybe first she just likes me because I’m rich. But then she’s gonna get to know me and say, ‘Screw the money.’  (Gonna Quotes) Steven Spielberg’s mother, who said to E.T., I don’t care where you’re from, you’re here and you’re gonna get bar mitzvahed! Never got a dinner!  (Gonna Quotes) There’s different kinds of laughs. It’s like a baseball lineup: this guy’s your power hitter, this guy gets on base, this guy works out walks. If everybody does their job, we’re gonna win.  (Gonna Quotes) I’m going through a divorce now. This is the second one, and like baseball, I’m not gonna get three strikes. I’ve been living by myself for five years and I’m very comfortable. I can play my guitar when I want to.  (Gonna Quotes) I love baseball, I really do. I always told my Dad, I’m not gonna make it working... I like to play ball too much. Which I did. I played hard. You gotta work at this game. You really do. And its fun doing it if you do it the right way.  (Gonna Quotes) I find that whoever you are as a person is how you’re gonna fight, and every basic instinct kind of comes out at that moment.  (Gonna Quotes) The party lines don’t change, that’s what makes them a party and you’d be a fool to think that just because there’s a black man in there it’s not gonna change the real foundation of the system. Especially when you look at his largest contributor to his campaign, AIG, one of the culprits in the economic meltdown itself.  (Gonna Quotes) It’s gonna be awesome! A suspected pedophile dunks my kids head in a bucket so when she dies she can live in an invisible castle. Set the alarm!  (Gonna Quotes) Let the other guy have whatever he wants before the fight. Once the bell rings he’s gonna be disappointed anyway.  (Gonna Quotes) If your not honest with yourself, how the hell are you gonna be honest with me  (Gonna Quotes) You’re sweet. I’m going to make sure you kiss me good with those big lips. I’m gonna make you my girlfriend.  (Gonna Quotes) A cute girl, a pissed off Were-spider, and an occult boulnty hunter carrying a small arsenal walk into a bar...I bet this joke was gonna have one helluva punch line.  (Gonna Quotes) I base the roles I choose depending on the characters. That’s just how I’m gonna run my career. So if it’s a good role I’m gonna take it whether it be fantasy, or whether it be realistic or fiction, anything.  (Gonna Quotes) Feeling is not selective, I keep telling you that. You can’t feel pain, you aren’t gonna feel anything else, either.  (Gonna Quotes) When you play with Kobe Bryant, the ball is gonna be with him most of the time, which is understandable.  (Gonna Quotes) Nobody is gonna love you like you. You’re gonna be your best salesman.  (Gonna Quotes) Miami’s like paradise. And I think the beaches are topless. So we’re gonna spend a lot of time at the beach.  (Gonna Quotes) Sometimes, I make 50 songs and pick out the best 10. I’ve been in the studio all day, all night, making the beat, writing the raps. You never know what’s gonna be a hit.  (Gonna Quotes) Make your attacker advance through a wall of bullets. I may get killed with my own gun, but he’s gonna have to beat me to death with it, cause it’s gonna be empty.  (Gonna Quotes)
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