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Gonna Quotes

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My mom didn’t believe in putting chemicals in hair. But when I got to college, we didn’t have A/C in our dorms freshman year. So after several days of waking up looking like a Chia Pet, I was like ‘OK, I’m gonna get a perm.’ And then my hair revolted and fell out. I was over that quick, fast and in a hurry.  (Gonna Quotes) I started out doing triathlons because they terrified me! I’m a good swimmer, I learned to ride a bike in college, and I hate running. It seemed like something I could never do, so I decided, ‘I’m gonna do it.’  (Gonna Quotes) I DJ’d for years. I DJ’d in high school, and I think my parents thought it was a passing thing. And then when I was in my second year of college, I was like, ‘Yeah, you guys don’t need to send me money anymore. My DJ gigs are good enough. I’m selling music; I think I’m gonna have a record deal. I can pay my tuition.’  (Gonna Quotes) When I have kids, when I have a family and nieces and nephews, I’m gonna teach them to love more and be kinder and to not judge someone by the colour of their skin or any other thing.  (Gonna Quotes) Behind branches, my Moon shines’’Distance we have, it defines’’Down side as, it has a lake’’Due to AUTUMN, the tree got naked’’Which made my Moons appear’’but after SPRING, the sight would be rare’’After a circle, the Day will come again’’You would be here, but I will gonna change’Samar Sudha  (Gonna Quotes) I had this temp receptionist job in New York, and I kind of hated it, and in the morning I would come out of the subway and just walk along the New York streets with all these people around me and kind of sing to myself. Like, ‘She’s gonna make it!’  (Gonna Quotes) The establishment’s gonna come together to protect themselves regardless of ideology  (Gonna Quotes) It started out slowly, it’s coming on fast. I got a feeling it’s gonna last. Timber, I’m falling in love.  (Gonna Quotes) It’s the fans that need spring training. You gotta get ‘em interested. Wake ‘em up and let ‘em know that their season is coming, the good times are gonna roll.  (Gonna Quotes) There should always be that leeway because if you think of your character as sort of absolutely fixed, then you just try and find actors to come and do exactly that thing, then you’re not gonna be working with that actor’s own set of internal impulses and who they are, so the best work is always a coming together of the actor and the character.  (Gonna Quotes) Our immigration law sucks, and we need to redo the whole thing, comprehensive immigration reform. And what that’s gonna be is anybody who wants to come and vote Democrat, we’re gonna send ‘em a limousine and bring ‘em in.  (Gonna Quotes) Our environments shape the way we see ourselves. If you have been condemned to live in an area that is pretty evidently a rat-run, then sooner or later you’re gonna come to the conclusion that you’re a rat.  (Gonna Quotes) To me, if you’re trying to impress a girl, get a date, they’re gonna like that more because you’re a confident guy. That’s what it comes down to.  (Gonna Quotes) Does God feel like that same-sex marriage could happen? I don’t think anybody who has a connection to God and God’s understanding and depth of compassion who’s gonna say ‘no.’  (Gonna Quotes) Whenever I go to shows, I end up looking at what shoes the guy onstage is wearing and the jacket he’s got on. And when you know everything’s gonna be under scrutiny, it makes you feel more comfortable if you have cool stuff.  (Gonna Quotes) There are gonna be a core set of values that shouldn’t be up for debate. Should be our north star.  (Gonna Quotes) Not everyone can or will love you. You could run a cotton candy and unicorn farm and someone’s gonna think you’re an asshole. Everyone’s fighting their own battle and it often has nothing to do with you.  (Gonna Quotes) The reason I keep acting is that it fuels some kind of passion in me, but the day that those butterflies stop, is the day that I’m gonna quit because I could care less about the magazines or being famous or the money or the awards.  (Gonna Quotes) You’re lookin’ so good in what’s left of those blue jeans Drip of honey on the money maker gotta be The best buzz I’m ever gonna find Hey, I’m a little drunk on you And high on summertime  (Gonna Quotes) I didn’t say I wasn’t gonna do rockabilly. I just said I ain’t gonna sing no song that ain’t a country song. I won’t be known as anything but a country singer.  (Gonna Quotes) I like lots of songs, and I find it quite interesting to do [cover songs] from time to time. My first solo hit was in 1973, the [Bob] Dylan song A Hard Rain’s Gonna Fall.  (Gonna Quotes) They’re gonna keep knocking away until all this comes crashing down. But I’m not gonna ever crash. I’m in control.  (Gonna Quotes) How you think and create your inner world that you gonna become in your outer world. Your inner believe manifest you in the outside  (Gonna Quotes) When you get into the game you’ve got be thinking, when I get into the attacking third I’m gonna be freakin’ creative.  (Gonna Quotes) There is no law in the world - there is no law unwritten, there’s no law on the books - that’s gonna stop a criminal from getting a gun.  (Gonna Quotes) Everybody comments that I’m white. I’m surprised I haven’t gotten more criticism for it. I’m always expecting any day now it’s gonna come. I guess I just attribute the lack of hate to people hearing the music and hearing how much I genuinely love it.  (Gonna Quotes) My guiltiest pleasure? ‘Untamed and Uncut’. Videos of people being attacked by animals. Yeah. I don’t know why. I just love seeing guys who say, ‘I’m gonna stick my hand in that crocodile’s mouth and see what happens.’ And then it snaps down on them. There you go - that’s what you get! It’s a wild animal, my friend.  (Gonna Quotes) I have a few songs that I’m figuring out and writing. I’m still figuring out the whole concept and how it’s gonna connect to Cry Baby, but I have some ideas, yes.  (Gonna Quotes) Though you may hear me holler,And you may see me cry--I’ll be dogged, sweet baby,If you gonna see me die.  (Gonna Quotes) I want to get away from it all. Move to the sticks. Montana. Hundreds of miles from civilization. Get a cabin in the snow. Curl up with some cute girl. Say stuff to her like, Scream all you want, sugar. Ain’t nobody gonna hear you!  (Gonna Quotes)
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