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Gonna Quotes

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George Washington, who said to his father, Dad, if I never tell I lie, how am I ever gonna become President? Never got a dinner!  (Gonna Quotes) What shaped me the most would probably be when my dad passed away. For the rest of my life, I’ll kind of feel like he’s gonna come home.  (Gonna Quotes) The inked fingers and the position of them, which is gonna be a ‘Daily Show’ photo already, of them signaling in this [Nazi salute] manner, as if they have solidarity with the Iraqis who braved physical threats against their lives to vote as if somehow these inked-fingered Republicans have something to do with that.  (Gonna Quotes) I understand there’s damage control to do on my image, but people are always gonna have their opinion of me no matter what. I understand 100 people may like me and 1,000 people may hate me. That’s fine.  (Gonna Quotes) I learned from a very young age that no one owes you anything and nobody’s gonna give you a damn thing. But you can have anything you want, if you work hard enough for it.  (Gonna Quotes) Sometimes no matter how many eyelashes or dandelion seeds you blow, no matter how much of your heart you tear out and slap on your sleeve, it just ain’t gonna happen.  (Gonna Quotes) My money’s riding on this dark horse, baby My heart is sayin’ it’s the lucky one And its true color’s gonna shine through someday If we let this Let this dark horse run  (Gonna Quotes) Who says I’m gonna marry another guy? In Europe it’s not like in America, where you set a date.  (Gonna Quotes) If you date a musician, you’re never, ever really gonna be first either. You’re gonna be right behind the music and maybe right close.  (Gonna Quotes) When you start dating another country star, the first question is, ‘When are y’all gonna do a duet?’ And what sucks about that is people expect you to do it whether you want to or not.  (Gonna Quotes) I’m sure I have a lot to atone for, if there is a judgment day. It’s gonna be a long list for me. It goes right up until I was about 18, and then I sort of straightened out.  (Gonna Quotes) All the sick are gonna be healed, the dead are gonna be raised and nations are gonna turn to God in a day.  (Gonna Quotes) You really don’t have a life when you’re working. I always think oh, I’m gonna see everybody on my days off. I’m gonna read so many books and see so many films and then three months go by...  (Gonna Quotes) You know, I say in my lyrics, Every word I write will be analyzed by somebody white. It’s just that I know that this sh*t is just not gonna fall on deaf ears.  (Gonna Quotes) It’s not the circumstances that determine who you’re gonna be but how you deal with these problems and pains that come your way.  (Gonna Quotes) [Dean Martin] is an absolute, unqualified drunk. And if we ever develop an Olympic drinking team, he’s gonna be the coach... Dean Martin has been stoned more often than the United States embassies.  (Gonna Quotes) When I have conversations with people, for some strange reason they think I’m gonna die and they’re not. But you know what? Death means nothing to me.  (Gonna Quotes) If on paper one would say, You’re gonna spend three weeks in Death Valley, you say, No, I’m not going to be able to. Very often, very quickly you forget about it.  (Gonna Quotes) Take a deep breath, listen to your favorite song and realize everything is gonna be okay, nothing is permanent.  (Gonna Quotes) I also believe that you are what you have to defend, and if you’re a black man that’s always going to be the bar against which you are judged, whether you want to align yourself with those themes or not. You can think of yourself as a colourless person, but nobody else is gonna.  (Gonna Quotes) Deja vu, tell you what I’m gonna do, When they reminisce over you, my God  (Gonna Quotes) You know, albums are a funny thing. They’re not like an intellectual decision. It’s a collection of your kind of musings. Like it’s a collection of your diary entries and you pick which one’s gonna make the most sense together and you put out a record and you sort of live it.  (Gonna Quotes) The most successful people in the most impossible situations are the ones that are sure they’re gonna get out of it, and they go on thinking that, even if they die trying.  (Gonna Quotes) Getting to do different genres of movies means you’re gonna have different types of situations. So I want to try and do every type of genre there is out there.  (Gonna Quotes) All the things you put off, like learning to play the piano or leaning a different language? You’re like, what’s the point? I’m not really gonna do that, am I?  (Gonna Quotes) After using four different languages on an album, it’s tough to decide which one I’m gonna actually learn to speak. I always study the lyric, make sure I know what I’m singing, and try to get the pronunciation as perfect as possible.  (Gonna Quotes) I’m just trying different styles and switching it up, but getting back to rap and the essence and the swag that I brought to the game from records like Rack City and Faded, records like that. I got some good collaborations that people are gonna be excited about.  (Gonna Quotes) I just don’t believe that there’s any way that you’re ever gonna get one peace, because everybody has different ways of seeing life.  (Gonna Quotes) I had something I was trying to say and sometimes the message is an easy transmission and sometimes it’s a difficult one but I love the power of saying it so I’m gonna do it whether it’s hard or easy.  (Gonna Quotes) When I would see my friends with their kids, I was envious that you can use children to get out of just about anything. If you don’t feel like going to a dinner party, you could say, ‘My kid’s sick. I can’t make it.’ Who’s gonna argue with you?  (Gonna Quotes)
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