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Gonna Quotes

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I’mma take my time and kiss your neck down to your waist And if I go a little lower best believe we gonna rain on these sheets my babe.  (Gonna Quotes) If you’re gonna learn how to do something, you’d better learn to do it right  (Gonna Quotes) I’m not gonna change my way of dance because I lost and the judge tells me I should do it a certain way.  (Gonna Quotes) I’m gonna have to develop myself. I’m just going to do the best that I can do.  (Gonna Quotes) When I hear other artists talk, they talk about ‘How come radio’s not playing my song?’ Well, you have to look at it under a microscope and know that each station is just trying to do what’s right for their market, and it’s scary for a radio station to add a song that they don’t know how well it’s gonna do for them.  (Gonna Quotes) My dad just imprinted in my mind from a very young age that you always do what you say you’re gonna do when you say you’re gonna do it.  (Gonna Quotes) In pop music, you say, ‘You can do what you want to me.’ Rock ‘n’ roll says, ‘I’m gonna do what I want to you.’  (Gonna Quotes) I’ve had encounters with animals that have been really mystical. I’ve always been really into animals. But the way they appear in the paintings, they come from my mind’s eye more than: ‘I’m gonna draw a dog now.’ It isn’t thought out: ‘Now I’m gonna draw a bird.’ They just appear.  (Gonna Quotes) I thought, ‘My God, I’m gonna make $15,000 a week for 13 weeks.’ What would I do with that kind of money? You know, I had never seen anything like that before in my life.  (Gonna Quotes) Parents who neglect their children, who don’t know where they are, who don’t know what they’re doing, who don’t know who they’re hanging out with, you’re gonna find yourselves spending some quality time with your kids, in jail, together.  (Gonna Quotes) My feelings are, if you’re gonna lead a rock n’ roll lifestyle, don’t let it affect your work. I know I can stay up all night and still come in the next day and write a song, and nothing will stop me from doing it. I expect the same from everyone else.  (Gonna Quotes) If you’re having fun doing what you’re doing, you’re gonna really want to work hard at it.  (Gonna Quotes) If you think you know what I’m doing wrong well you’re gonna have to get in line...  (Gonna Quotes) Ain’t no point worrying about what’s been or what’s gonna be. You just gotta do your best right now. And trust everyone else is doing the same.  (Gonna Quotes) I really do think that if you’re doing your job right, you’re never gonna be what the other actor was, but you can be influenced by his intelligence and his choices.  (Gonna Quotes) I want you, I need you, but there ain’t no way I’m every gonna love you. Now don’t be sad, cause two out of three ain’t bad.  (Gonna Quotes) People are gonna believe what they want to believe And like I said before, I really don’t give a damn.  (Gonna Quotes) Dance music cannot compete with a really great rock n’ roll song. There ain’t no DJ that’s gonna play something that can take ‘Mr Brightside’ or ‘Don’t Look Back In Anger.’  (Gonna Quotes) In 50 years, I don’t think you’re gonna look back at 2006 and say, ‘The good old days.’  (Gonna Quotes) I don’t want to talk about the vampire schedule. That’s just gonna upset me.  (Gonna Quotes) While I’m here, I’m gonna milk it for all I can, so when I’m no longer hot - and I know that day is coming - I will step over here and enjoy everything I’ve created up to this point. The music is just opening all these doors, so I can relax.  (Gonna Quotes) Nobody’s ever gonna hold [ Lena Dunham] accountable. She’s a liberal and she’s a woman and so she’s doubly indemnified against any serious analysis of what the hell she says or thinks. It’s a clear example of the double standard out there.  (Gonna Quotes) No matter who you are or where you’re from somewhere down the road you’re gonna need someone.  (Gonna Quotes) A lot of people don’t really understand what rehearsal’s about. People are afraid they’re gonna leave it in the dressing room, or you’re gonna shoot your wad in rehearsal.  (Gonna Quotes) If you’re a drug addict, then you’ve always got drugs, so you’re a criminal. So you’re gonna get into problems.  (Gonna Quotes) I have to make the very best judgments I can make in terms of what’s gonna keep the American people safe and is what - what’s gonna uphold our Constitution and our traditions of due process.  (Gonna Quotes) You held me down, but I got upHey!Alrighty brushing off the dust You hear my voice You hear that soundLike thunder gonna shake the ground-Roar  (Gonna Quotes) If world understands peace then war is never gonna take place in this earth  (Gonna Quotes) Younger kids should realize that if dancing is what you wanna do, it’s not always gonna be the easiest thing; you’re not always going to end up dancing for Justin Timberlake right out the gate.  (Gonna Quotes) It’s the easiest way to stay in the game: By helping the younger kids, they’re gonna preach for you.  (Gonna Quotes)
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