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Gonna Quotes

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A lot of books, if you take them at face value, they’re just not gonna work as films  (Gonna Quotes) I tell the audience every night, I hope you didn’t pay more than face value on that ticket, because we ain’t worth more than that, and you ain’t gonna get any more than that.  (Gonna Quotes) Without the lord to shield you and guide you, you gonna fade away. Jah is your shield and your guide. The wicked man gotta turn aside. No need to fear no wicked guide. Rastafari protect your life!  (Gonna Quotes) Real faith is when you believe in something that you can’t see. When things are going really bad and you can still get up and say I believe that they’re gonna get better, that there’s a higher lesson to what I’m going through. It can be hard sometimes, and to turn it around like that, that’s true faith.  (Gonna Quotes) If you wonder how long Ill be faithful. I’ll be happy to tell you again. I’m gonna love you forever and ever, forever and ever amen.  (Gonna Quotes) All of my friends are really good dancers, which was initially why I never danced - we’d go out, and they would kill it, and I’d be like, ‘Yeah, I’m just gonna sit at the bar.’  (Gonna Quotes) I’m never gonna be somebody who’s gonna fall down from the sky on a trapeze. That’s not me. I really want to make sure that my focus stays on connecting with the audience.  (Gonna Quotes) I’m never satisfied, man. I’m Virgo. We overanalyze and we’re never satisfied. So I’m gonna keep going ‘til the wheels fall off.  (Gonna Quotes) I wanna hang a map of the world in my house. Then I’m gonna put pins into all the locations that I’ve traveled to. But first, I’m gonna have to travel to the top two corners of the map so it won’t fall down.  (Gonna Quotes) Definitely if you’re an athlete, you’re gonna be having all the baseball fame you can have. That’s the great thing about baseball and sports. You can measure ability.  (Gonna Quotes) I want a guy who’s going to be accepting of - one, my big ‘ol, loud Mexican family - and also my career, because it’s a lot. I don’t want someone who’s like... ‘Oh, you don’t have time for me’. Like, I want somebody who’s sure of himself and gonna be like, ‘Okay, you go do your thing, and when you come back, we’re good.’  (Gonna Quotes) That sense of family. And the way that we all interact and collaborate together. It’s really gonna be something I’m gonna miss.  (Gonna Quotes) As a famous person you think how you’re gonna end it, get away and have a normal life  (Gonna Quotes) The moment somebody becomes famous, 15 years gets knocked off their life. They’re gonna get divorced a few times, they’re gonna be addicted to things, they’re gonna be in therapy.  (Gonna Quotes) I’ve never dated anyone in Hollywood - or anyone famous, for that matter. I don’t know that I’m ever gonna write a song that you will know who it’s about.  (Gonna Quotes) I never set out to become ‘famous.’ I mean, when you’re 14 you think ‘I’m gonna become a writer and people will want my autograph and that’ll be cool,’ but you grow up and you learn that’s just not how the world works. I resigned myself to the fact that I would probably never be published and if I did it probably wouldn’t be a big deal.  (Gonna Quotes) When you get to all right, take a good look around and get used to it, because that may be as far as you’re gonna go.  (Gonna Quotes) I don’t care who’s playing. Even if it’s my favorite artist, I’m probably not gonna go and see him.  (Gonna Quotes) Really, if I’m gonna eat a meat, I’d rather eat venison than anything and I do like it a little on the rare side. That’s probably my favorite meat and I’ve had some awfully good venison in some of the great restaurants.  (Gonna Quotes) I’m gonna write from personal experience, from emotion, from whatever the hell I’m feeling that day.  (Gonna Quotes) Look: You’re not gonna become a millionaire doing this, but that was never the point. And I think a lot of people in the indie film business kind of took their eye off of that.  (Gonna Quotes) And we’ve given all you people need to know and understand about our financial situation and about how we live our life. And so, the election, again, will not be decided on that. It will be decided on who is gonna turn the economy around and how are jobs gonna come back to America.  (Gonna Quotes) Yeah, my role is gonna be a character by the name of Yondu. And there’s gonna be more of Yondu. Yondu is gonna be even more handsome. Perhaps maybe Yondu will add some more bling to his teeth and wear some more jewelry. I don’t know. It’s gonna be a lot of fun. I’ve got my fingers crossed that we’ll flush out the character even more.  (Gonna Quotes) To me, if I’m reading a fantastic story or I go on a nice first date and I have a wonderful time, I’m not gonna complain because it didn’t work out. I’m gonna go on a second date.  (Gonna Quotes) When I first met Aaliyah - it time for the world to hear this, I’m gonna give a little secret - I was in love with her.  (Gonna Quotes) It’s always the music first for me. But if the music isn’t selling, there isn’t gonna be no business. So you gotta make sure music is always the first priority.  (Gonna Quotes) I wouldn’t necessarily say that ‘Alpha House’ or ‘Betas’ embodied a particular vision of Amazon of the kind of brand or programming they were gonna do. I think those were the first lucky creators who hit it right for them.  (Gonna Quotes) You learn how to be an individual quick after 15 schools, man. After the first five or six, you realize you’re always gonna be the new kid.  (Gonna Quotes) Regardless of what you’re searching, you ain’t gonna find it until you include God. Because, if you have a problem with women, drugs, or whatever the case may be, the only person that can fix that problem is God.  (Gonna Quotes) I’m pretty focused on my career, and if it comes down to hanging out with somebody or learning my lines, it’s gonna be learning my lines.  (Gonna Quotes)
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