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Gonna Quotes

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The magazine at the health food store said, Stop Aging! Isn’t that what death is for? Trust me, we’re all gonna stop aging...  (Gonna Quotes) Shkoff’ is to eat. ‘Shkiaff’ is to slap. Like, ‘Gettouttahere I’m gonna give you a couple of shkiaffs,’ or, ‘Forget presentation, just shkiaff the food onto the plate.’  (Gonna Quotes) The thing with food is that you can give 20 people the same recipe and the same ingredients, and somebody’s going to make it better than somebody else, and that’s the creativity of it. It’s like music. You could have a bunch of people playing the same piece, and somebody’s gonna play it better.  (Gonna Quotes) My parents were always pretty free with me. They were of the school of thought that if you really cramp down on someone and tell them not to do all these things, it’s gonna become like forbidden fruit.  (Gonna Quotes) Hip Hop has its ups and downs but I’m gonna do my best to not necessarily bring that back but just remind people what they are forgetting about.  (Gonna Quotes) I think everyone has a certain kind of formula in their life. When you deviate from that formula, you’re going to fail big or you’re gonna win big.  (Gonna Quotes) I usually don’t have a burger, a brat, and a steak but it is 4th of July. And I need the energy if I’m gonna start blowin crap up. It’s what the founding fathers would want.  (Gonna Quotes) I’m a free agent so I’m probably gonna be signing a major deal that I’m gonna be announcing pretty soon, and a few good singles are coming out.  (Gonna Quotes) Unfortunately, this is a free society, and we’re gonna have people with trucks, and people with bombs.  (Gonna Quotes) I’m not the guy whose gonna shoot 10,000 free-throws until I’m Michael Jordan - and it did happen kind of accidentally that I said, Okay, yeah, I’ll try singing.  (Gonna Quotes) Because of the Korean free trade agreement, South Koreans who want Oregon blueberries are gonna see their prices go down because we will be getting rid of a 45 percent tariff on this Oregon product.  (Gonna Quotes) The battle for freedom and liberty really never is over, and there are really low points in it, but I’m not giving up, and I’m not gonna engage in phony pep talks, either.  (Gonna Quotes) When moonlight french kisses the Manhattan midnight There’s a not a face without a teardrop that’s in sight Midnights in Manhattan keep me dreamin’ I think I’m gonna keep em  (Gonna Quotes) Always remember...the stronger your position in life, the more enemies you’re gonna have .. while friends come and go.  (Gonna Quotes) Sometimes during a relationship, a friendship, a friend’s gonna have to prove they’re your friend, and you’re gonna have to prove you’re their friend.  (Gonna Quotes) I was told from a very young age that I wasn’t gonna be anything. That I wasn’t gonna amount to a single thing.  (Gonna Quotes) To me, the guitar is a tool for songwriting, and it’s fun, too. The day that it’s not fun, that’s when I’m not gonna play guitar anymore.  (Gonna Quotes) Once both gay marriage and marijuana are finally legal, those of you against them are not invited to the really fun parties I’m gonna throw.  (Gonna Quotes) I’m gonna perform on one of the nights. Good clean fun; we’re not going to jail. For the record.  (Gonna Quotes) Almost every cartoonist, when he’s sitting down to draw a funny face, if you watch him closely, his mouth is gonna curl to the expression that he’s drawing. But when I would write a story - I know it’s going to sound almost ridiculous and infantile - I would, in a way, start living it.  (Gonna Quotes) Music is funny. I shouldn’t even ever talk about music, because you can have all the ideas in your head, and it never goes exactly the way that you think it’s gonna go.  (Gonna Quotes) The leaders of these moments know full well they’re never gonna live next to these newly arriving immigrants. They’re gonna live in gated communities. They’re gonna continue to be rich.  (Gonna Quotes) We’re gonna do it like George Foreman. We’re gonna name all of our kids Mariah no matter if they’re boys or girls. Mariah No. 1, Boy Mariah, Man Mariah, Tall Mariah. It’s gonna be a house full of people named Mariah.  (Gonna Quotes) God, three weddings in one day, I’m going to be in Spanx for 12 hours. My elastic line is gonna get infected again.  (Gonna Quotes) Someday, I’m gonna write a poem in a letter; Someday, I’m gonna get that faculty together  (Gonna Quotes) If you don’t hop aboard the change train, you’re gonna get derailed  (Gonna Quotes) Sometimes when things get kind of frantic, it helps to call my husband Steve, because I think he’s got a real good sense of where everything’s gonna be in a few years.  (Gonna Quotes) The powers that be in entertainment are really threatening anybody that shows up at the [Donald] Trump inauguration is gonna have trouble getting a job. They’re ticked off.  (Gonna Quotes) I’m never gonna get it, but I always wanted a tattoo that says: ‘This is my tattoo.’  (Gonna Quotes) People will set a New Year’s resolution: I’m gonna get in shape this year. But they don’t set a parameter for how they’re gonna measure it. Or if they do measure it, they wait until the first day of the next year. You’d never run a business that way. Document your progress.  (Gonna Quotes)
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