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Gonna Quotes

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I’m a skinny, geeky, high school dropout - it works, kids! Sensitive guys always get the girl. You’ll get laid 10 times as much as that guy on the football team ‘cause he’s on steroids and he’s gonna get fat.  (Gonna Quotes) I don’t mind paying people more for something if we’re getting more. But just to change a deal because you’re greedy and you want more? No. I’m not gonna go along with that.  (Gonna Quotes) When you’re coming up with new material, it’s not always gonna be good. The only way to learn is for it not to get a laugh, so you can adjust it and come back the next day to see if it’s working right. Next time, you might get a different laugh. You’re constantly rebuilding.  (Gonna Quotes) I’m not gonna give up, shut up, or let up, until I’m taken up... as a matter of fact, I’m just getting warmed up.  (Gonna Quotes) I actually thought that it would be a little confusing during the same period of your life to be in one meeting when you’re trying to make money, and then go to another meeting where you’re giving it away. I mean is it gonna erode your ability, you know, to make money? Are you gonna somehow get confused about what you’re trying to do?  (Gonna Quotes) No matter what the people say, I’m gonna love you anyway. Girl, you’re my first love.  (Gonna Quotes) No girl I’m not gonna waste it You don’t know me I don’t know you but I want to  (Gonna Quotes) Whatever is about you that is translated into your art, that’s gonna keep you completly original and fresh and I just think that, that’s just the best advice I can give, to an artist creatively.  (Gonna Quotes) We’ve got to figure out a way that we give a private sphere for our public leaders. We’re not gonna get the best people in public life if we don’t do that.  (Gonna Quotes) God I hear you giving me an earfull but I’m gonna cruise in 5th gear until I’m near you  (Gonna Quotes) That’s the most important thing to me - that if I’m gonna spend however long it takes to make a movie, give up 14 hours a day for however many weeks or months, then it’s very important for me to know that I’m working with people who I respect and enjoy and that we’re going for something together.  (Gonna Quotes) Both of our nations [America and Germany] were proud to join the Paris Climate Agreement which the world should work to implement quickly. Continued global leadership on climate in addition to increasing private investment and clean energy is gonna be critical to meeting this growing threat.  (Gonna Quotes) When you’re offstage, that’s the footprint. That’s the man God’s gonna judge.  (Gonna Quotes) God said, All right, I’m gonna show you. I made you what you are. God takes care of me. I’m just the one who delivers the message.  (Gonna Quotes) My name is Bernard Jeffrey McCullough, but people know me as Bernie Mac. My mama, God rest her soul - she used to call me Beanie. Used to say, ‘Don’t you worry about Beanie. Beanie gonna be just fine. Beanie gonna surprise everyone.’  (Gonna Quotes) I never thought I was going to leave the trap. I even told my mother, ‘I’m gonna be the trap God.’  (Gonna Quotes) You know, my goal, once I leave the music business, is like, ‘Man, Lupe didn’t lead us astray.’ It comes directly from Islam: leading people astray is the worst thing you could do. Especially in perpetuity; like, your music continues to go on and live without you. That risk is too great for me; I’m gonna keep it positive.  (Gonna Quotes) I think he’s going down, ... It’s gonna be the ‘Revenge for O.J. ‘  (Gonna Quotes) In America it’s all, ‘I’m gonna make something of myself, leave my tiny town and go to L.A!’ Canadians are like, ‘I’m gonna make something of myself, go to L.A., and then come right back again to hang out with my buddies!’  (Gonna Quotes) We’re going to establish a procedure where people can leave the line, go outside, take care of themselves and the government’s gonna pay.  (Gonna Quotes) If I was gonna go to jail, I don’t want to go to jail for stealing a bottle of water. I’ll steal that $20 million. At least then it was worth it.  (Gonna Quotes) On her son Rene: Oh my God, when he’s 20 years old what’s going to happen to me? I’m gonna marry him.  (Gonna Quotes) I walk away from writing what I consider to be a good song - with a good character, a good story in it - with all I’m gonna really get out of that song. My greatest pleasure is to create it, not to record it, not to hear anyone else play it, though that can be nice too.  (Gonna Quotes) On a day when you’re tired, it’s important to just say good morning to everyone so they’re kind of aware that it’s gonna be a good day. Jamie Lee Curtis told me that.  (Gonna Quotes) I treat everybody equal, and so I want to be sure that my listeners and my followers do the same if they’re gonna represent me. And if I’m gonna represent them, then I also want to do it in a good way.  (Gonna Quotes) When you see natural disasters caught on film you realize how well they had been imagined by Hollywood for such a long time. It’s all good fun. You never know who’s gonna survive and who doesn’t.  (Gonna Quotes) Pray for intestinal fortitude, work hard, and keep the faith. Oh, and pray for good luck, you’re gonna need it.  (Gonna Quotes) I think if I could be any superhero, it’d probably be my mom...but I don’t think I’d look too good in high heels, so it’s not gonna happen.  (Gonna Quotes) I really feel that if you’re gonna be good, you gotta practice... Practice whatever the hell you do.  (Gonna Quotes) The Democrat Party were gonna show Hillary Clinton gratitude. There might even be some people who actually think she’s gonna be a good president, too. But for the most part it was they owed her. They owed her big time. They still do, and so does he.  (Gonna Quotes)
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