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Gonorrhea Quotes

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Whoever said laughter is the best medicine never had gonorrhea  (Gonorrhea Quotes) You don’t want to drop your gonorrhea. It’s a mess  (Gonorrhea Quotes) Sex can lead to nasty things like herpes, gonorrhea, and something called relationships  (Gonorrhea Quotes) I feel like my eyes have gonorrhea  (Gonorrhea Quotes) When I was in high school the worst thing you could ever get was VD. Talk about the sniffles! I just want to meet an old-fashioned girl with gonorrhea.  (Gonorrhea Quotes) It couldn’t have been gonorrhea, which never stops eating you up of its own accord. Why should it ever stop of its own accord? It’s having such a nice time. Why call off the party? Look how healthy and happy the kids are.  (Gonorrhea Quotes)