Good Daughters Quotes

Text Quotes
I hope to be a good role model for my daughters (Good Daughters Quotes)
If you would have a good wife, marry one who has been a good daughter (Good Daughters Quotes)
I have a daughter and she’s the greatest thing that ever happened to me. She gives me a good excuse to watch cartoons. (Good Daughters Quotes)
Some women pray for their daughters to marry good husbands. I pray that my girls will find girlfriends half as loyal and true as the Ya-Yas. (Good Daughters Quotes)
When a mother quarrels with a daughter, she has a double dose of unhappiness hers from the conflict, and empathy with her daughter’s from the conflict with her. Throughout her life a mother retains this special need to maintain a good relationship with her daughter. (Good Daughters Quotes)
Generations of gun owners have taught their sons and daughters that it takes as much patience and skill to be a good shot as it does to be a good steward of a powerful weapon. (Good Daughters Quotes)
My daughter is a good, caring, compassionate person. To me that’s the true meaning of success, even though the marriages didn’t work out. My success with my daughter is all that matters. (Good Daughters Quotes)
I think it’s good for moms to work. I have three daughters, so I like them to see me working and doing something I’m passionate about. (Good Daughters Quotes)
Good supporters who have single daughters say, ‘Hey, you need to take my daughter out.’ And it’s awkward. (Good Daughters Quotes)
Every mother and daughter should make time for a trip together. It’s good for the soul. (Good Daughters Quotes)
Fathers be good to your daughters, daughters will love like you do. Girls become lovers, who turn into mothers, so mothers be good to your daughters, too. (Good Daughters Quotes)
Fathers are men who give daughters away to other men who aren’t nearly good they can have grandchildren who are smarter than anybody’s. (Good Daughters Quotes)
I say to all fathers - be as good as you can be- because your sons and daughters will follow in your footsteps. (Good Daughters Quotes)
It’s time to teach our daughters that their ability to be good people depends on their being good people, not on whether or not they’re sexually active. (Good Daughters Quotes)
I’m passionate about being true to myself, sending good energy to the people around me, traveling, staying inspired, being a good friend, being a good daughter, being a good sister. (Good Daughters Quotes)
Being a father and trying to love my daughters with unconditional love - those were all good decisions. (Good Daughters Quotes)
I retired at age 40 because my daughters looked at me one day and said: ‘Dad, being bald and wearing shorts doesn’t look good together’. (Good Daughters Quotes)
Sometimes when daughters have a bad-girl mother, they rebel and become good girls. They are constantly embarrassed by me! (Good Daughters Quotes)
My daughters are here, and that makes me feel good. And with the spirit of Nick Ashford, I think I’ll make it through. I have no choice (Good Daughters Quotes)
I play Hopkins’ daughter. Brad Pitt plays Death. He’s a very-good looking Death. With him, dying isn’t so bad (Good Daughters Quotes)
I think Desperate Housewives is a pretty good show, I watch it, I like it and I don’t love reality tv that much. I do watch some, I’ve got three daughters so we’ll watch the good stuff, the fun stuff (Good Daughters Quotes)
Having two daughters changed my perspective on a lot of things, and I definitely have a newfound respect for women. And I think I finally became a good and real man when I had a daughter (Good Daughters Quotes)
I became a feminist because I wanted to help my daughters, other women and myself aspire to something more than a place behind a good man (Good Daughters Quotes)
At the age of 15 months my daughter was diagnosed with very bad asthma, and essentially I put my career on hold for a good eight years (Good Daughters Quotes)
Fathers be good to your daughters. Daughters will love like you do. Girls become lovers who turn into mothers. So, mothers be good to your daughters too (Good Daughters Quotes)
Fathers be good to your daughters. Daughters will love like you do. Girls become lovers who turn in mothers. So, mothers be good to your daughters too (Good Daughters Quotes)