Good Story Quotes

Text Quotes
I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself (Good Story Quotes)
If everything goes right, we get a good experience. If everything goes wrong, we get a good story (Good Story Quotes)
It was unpredictable, good storytelling that brought you back each week (Good Story Quotes)
A good storyteller is a person with a good memory and hopes other people haven’t (Good Story Quotes)
A good story should provoke discussion, debate, argument... and the occasional bar fight (Good Story Quotes)
A good story gives you more of a license to be forward and progressive with the music (Good Story Quotes)
Your first obligation as a writer is to tell the truth and to tell a good story (Good Story Quotes)
I want to be known for good work first. A good story and good delivery is just that - period (Good Story Quotes)
The telling of a good story, especially one that is real and true, is always exciting (Good Story Quotes)
Finding good players is easy. Getting them to play as a team is another story (Good Story Quotes)
Outside Styx's apartment was not the first time Rochester and I had met, or would it be the last. We first encountered each other at Haworth House in Yorkshire when my mind was young and the barrier between reality and make-believe had not yet hardened into the shell that cocoons us in adult life. The barrier was soft, pliable and, for a moment, thanks to the kindness of a stranger and the power of a good storytelling voice, I made the short journey - and returned (Good Story Quotes)
Sometimes I can tackle an issue - homelessness, tobacco litigation, insurance fraud, the death penalty - and wrap a good story around it. These are the best books, the ones with a story and a message (Good Story Quotes)
No, it's not a very good story - it's author was too busy listening to other voices to listen as closely as he should have to the one coming from inside (Good Story Quotes)
Sometimes Old Nan would tell the same story she'd told before, but we never minded, if it was a good story. Old stories are like old friends, she used to say. You have to visit them from time to time (Good Story Quotes)
With movies, you are always in search is a good story, one that everyone will relate to and love. I love finding those stories and creating a visual world to tell the story (Good Story Quotes)
As a rule, anyone who can tell a good story can write one, so there really need be no mistake about his qualification; such a man will be careful not to be wearisome, and to keep his point, or his catastrophe, well in hand (Good Story Quotes)
It’s not an epitaph. I felt I could look back at my life and get a good story out of it. It’s a picture of somebody trying to figure things out. I’m not trying to create some impression about myself. That doesn’t interest me (Good Story Quotes)
My favorite roles usually have to do with the story, if it’s a good story I usually enjoy doing the character (Good Story Quotes)
I found out a long time ago that if I didn’t have a good story for a song, I could just make one up! Now it seems over half the stories in my show are made up. The funny thing is, those seem to be the ones that resonate the most with the audiences (Good Story Quotes)
For the last 20 years of my life, I’ve had the mantra to do amazing parts with amazing people in amazing projects, so I’m attracted to good story, writing and character and good people. That’s what I’m always searching for and I don’t think that’s ever going to change (Good Story Quotes)
Directing a film was something I was yearning to do. I always wanted to see if I had the capacity to be a good storyteller (Good Story Quotes)
With any good story, you need the adversary, the heroes and villains. You need a good mixture to make it work (Good Story Quotes)
An adventure game is nothing more than a good story set with engaging puzzles that fit seamlessly in with the story and the characters, and looks and sounds beautiful (Good Story Quotes)
What makes a good writer of history is a guy who is suspicious. Suspicion marks the real difference between the man who wants to write honest history and the one who’d rather write a good story (Good Story Quotes)
I look for the character to be something interesting, the script to have a good story and be original, and a director that I admire (Good Story Quotes)
There’s no harmony in most people in a way, and I’m attracted to it, and I think it makes for good storytelling (Good Story Quotes)
If you have a good story idea, don’t assume it must form a prose narrative. It may work better as a play, a screenplay or a poem. Be flexible (Good Story Quotes)
Writing is hard work, and if anything’s true about the process, it’s that fact that a good story is hard to find and even trickier to get on paper. What’s less romantic than staring alone at a blank screen? And edgy? I’ve changed the cat little because I didn’t know what my characters were going to say next (Good Story Quotes)
Why do you keep reading a book? Usually to find out what happens. Why do you give up and stop reading it? There may be lots of reasons. But often the answer is you don’t care what happens. So what makes the difference between caring and not caring? The author’s cruelty. And the reader’s sympathy... it takes a mean author to write a good story (Good Story Quotes)
You can’t write... on the strength of influence. You can only write a good story or a good novel by yourself (Good Story Quotes)