Good things never last, luck always ends and time always runs out

Good things never last, luck always ends and time always runs out
The phrase "good things never last, luck always ends, and time always runs out" is a pessimistic outlook on life that focuses on the impermanence of positive experiences. In the context of negative words, this phrase embodies a sense of hopelessness and inevitability that can be discouraging to hear.When we think about the idea that good things never last, it can be disheartening to consider that moments of happiness and joy are fleeting. This belief can lead to a sense of resignation and a reluctance to fully embrace positive experiences for fear of their inevitable end. It can also create a sense of anxiety and anticipation for when the good times will come to an end, overshadowing the enjoyment of the present moment.
Similarly, the notion that luck always ends can foster a sense of powerlessness and a belief that success is ultimately out of our control. This can lead to a defeatist attitude and a lack of motivation to pursue our goals and dreams. It can also create a sense of envy towards those who seem to have more luck or success, further perpetuating negative feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt.
The idea that time always runs out can create a sense of urgency and pressure to achieve our goals before it is too late. This can lead to feelings of stress and anxiety as we try to cram as much as possible into our limited time on earth. It can also create a sense of regret and missed opportunities as we look back on our lives and wonder what could have been if we had only acted sooner.