Goods Quotes

Text Quotes
It is manifestly unjust that a privileged few should continue to accumulate excess goods, squandering available resources, while masses of people are living in conditions of misery at the very lowest level of subsistence (Goods Quotes)
Is still fulfilling its social function in supplying the consumers with more, better and cheaper goods (Goods Quotes)
Those instrumental goods which should serve to maintain the life and health of all human beings should be produced by the least possible labour of all (Goods Quotes)
The more people there are, the more food we need, the more space we occupy, the more resources and consumer goods we wish to have and the more development has to take place (Goods Quotes)
All natural goods perish. Riches take wings; fame is a breath; love is a cheat; youth and health and pleasure vanish (Goods Quotes)
Not to share one’s goods with the poor is to rob them and to deprive them of life. It is not our goods that we possess, but theirs (Goods Quotes)
I do not believe making money in order to consume goods is mankind’s sole purpose on this planet (Goods Quotes)
Socrates was the first to call philosophy down from the heavens and to place it in cities, and even to introduce it into homes and compel it to inquire about life and standards and goods and evils (Goods Quotes)
When an opportunity comes your way, it’s about making sure you’re prepared to be the one who can walk through the door and deliver the goods. And I’ve had a lot of luck on my side and I’ve been prepared for that luck (Goods Quotes)
All the goods of this world... are finite and limited and radically incapable of satisfying the desire that perpetually burns within us for an infinite and perfect good (Goods Quotes)
Love is a brilliant illustration of a principle everywhere discoverable: namely, that human reason lives by turning the friction of material forces into the light of ideal goods (Goods Quotes)
Power and machinery, money and goods, are useful only as they set us free to live (Goods Quotes)
It betrays a poverty of ambition if all you think about is what goods you can buy instead of what good you can do (Goods Quotes)
Money is a tool of exchange, which can’t exist unless there are goods produced and men able to produce them. Money is the material shape of the principle that men who wish to deal with one another must deal by trade and give value for value (Goods Quotes)
Envy ought to have no place allowed it in the hearts of people; for the goods of this present world are so vile and low that they are beneath it; and those of the future world are so vast and exalted that they are above it (Goods Quotes)
... people don’t know what they are striving for. They waste themselves in senseless thrashing around for the sake of a handful of goods and die without realizing their spiritual wealth (Goods Quotes)
Mother is the dead heart of the family spending father’s earnings on consumer goods to enhance the environment in which he eats, sleeps, and watches the television (Goods Quotes)
Goods gone bad, but right is wrong, and I don’t know which side I’m on lately (Goods Quotes)
Give up the feeling of responsibility, let go your hold, resign the care of your destiny to higher powers, be genuinely indifferent as to what becomes of it all and you will find not only that you gain a perfect inward relief, but often also, in addition, the particular goods you sincerely thought you were renouncing (Goods Quotes)
We need to recognise that what really matters isn’t buying more and more consumer goods, but family, friends, and knowing that we are doing something worthwhile with our lives. Helping to reduce the appalling consequences of world poverty should be part of that reassessment (Goods Quotes)
It’s very hard to keep your spirits up. You’ve got to keep selling yourself a bill of goods, and some people are better at lying to themselves than others. If you face reality too much, it kills you... you’ve got to find an answer to the question: Why go on? (Goods Quotes)
What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as freedom should not be highly rated (Goods Quotes)
Downstairs in the lounge, by the third pillar from the left, there sits an old lady with a sweet, placid, spinsterish face and a mind that has plumbed the depths of human iniquity and taken it all as in the day’s work... where crime is concerned, she’s the goods (Goods Quotes)
And last are the few whose delight is in meditation and understanding; who yearn not for goods, nor for victory, but for knowledge; who leave both market and battlefield to lose themselves in the quiet clarity of secluded thought; whose will is a light rather than a fire, whose haven is not power but truth: these are the men of wisdom, who stand aside unused by the world (Goods Quotes)
Let a man choose what condition he will, and let him accumulate around him all the goods and gratifications seemingly calculated to make him happy in it; if that man is left at any time without occupation or amusement, and reflects on what he is, the meagre, languid felicity of his present lot will not bear him up. He will turn necessarily to gloomy anticipations of the future; and unless his occupation calls him out of himself, he is inevitably wretched (Goods Quotes)
Happiness, whether consisting in pleasure or virtue, or both, is more often found with those who are highly cultivated in their minds and in their character, and have only a moderate share of external goods, than among those who possess external goods to a useless extent but are deficient in higher qualities (Goods Quotes)
Our capacity to draw happiness from aesthetic objects or material goods in fact seems critically dependent on our first satisfying a more important range of emotional or psychological needs, among them the need for understanding, for love, expression and respect (Goods Quotes)
Do you sincerely declare that you love mankind in general, of what profession or religion soever? Do you think any person ought to be harmed in his body, name, or goods, for mere speculative opinions, or his external way of worship? Do you love truth for truth’s sake; and will you endeavor impartially to find and receive it yourself, and communicate it to others (Goods Quotes)
Too often, attention is diverted from the needs of populations, insufficient emphasis is placed on work in the fields, and the goods of the earth are not given adequate protection. As a result, economic imbalance is produced, and the inalienable rights and dignity of every human person are ignored (Goods Quotes)
Once you have sold a customer, make sure he is satisfied with your goods. Stay with him until the goods are used up or worn out. Your product may be of such long life that you will never sell him again, but he will sell you and your product to his friends (Goods Quotes)