Gordon B Hinckley Quotes

Text Quotes
You will come to know that what appears today to be a sacrifice will prove instead to be the greatest investment that you will ever make (Gordon B Hinckley Quotes)
There is rampant among us a spirit of criticism. Men and women who carry heavy responsibility do not need criticism, they need encouragement (Gordon B Hinckley Quotes)
All of us have far too much to do to waste our time and energies in criticism, faultfinding, or the abuse of others (Gordon B Hinckley Quotes)
Criticism is the forerunner of divorce, the cultivator of rebellion, sometimes an agent that leads to failure (Gordon B Hinckley Quotes)
We live in a society that feeds on criticism. It is so easy to find fault, and to resist doing so requires much discipline (Gordon B Hinckley Quotes)
I hope that each one of us will be a better husband or wife, kinder to one another, more thoughtful, more restrained in criticism, and more generous with compliments (Gordon B Hinckley Quotes)
Let us all try to stand a little taller, rise a little higher, be a little better. Make the extra effort. You will be happier (Gordon B Hinckley Quotes)
Do the best you can. And remember that the greatest asset you have in this world is those children who you’ve brought into the world, and for whose nurture and care you’re responsible (Gordon B Hinckley Quotes)
Pray for the strength to walk the high road, which at times may be lonely but which will lead to peace and happiness and joy supernal (Gordon B Hinckley Quotes)
I do not know what the future holds. I do not wish to sound negative, but I wish to remind you of the warnings of scripture and the teachings of the prophets which we have had constantly before us (Gordon B Hinckley Quotes)
The singing of hymns and the rendition of selections from the great sacred oratorios by ward choirs all enhance the spirit of worship (Gordon B Hinckley Quotes)
He who lives only unto himself withers and dies, while he who forgets himself in the service of others grows and blossoms (Gordon B Hinckley Quotes)
Education will equip you to do something worthwhile in the great world of opportunity that lies ahead (Gordon B Hinckley Quotes)
Women who make a house a home make a far greater contribution to society than those who command large armies or stand at the head of impressive corporations (Gordon B Hinckley Quotes)
There is room for improvement in every life. Regardless of our occupations, regardless of our circumstances, we can improve ourselves and while so doing have an effect on the lives of those about us (Gordon B Hinckley Quotes)
We are creatures of our thinking. We can talk ourselves into defeat or we can talk ourselves into victory (Gordon B Hinckley Quotes)
Avoid alcohol as you would a loathsome disease. Beer will do to you what hard liquor will do. Each contains alcohol in varying amounts (Gordon B Hinckley Quotes)
Anger is the mother of a whole brood of evil actions. Divorce too often is the bitter fruit of anger (Gordon B Hinckley Quotes)
Rise above... cultivate the light you have within you, and it will shine through as a radiant expression that will be seen by others (Gordon B Hinckley Quotes)
We seldom get into trouble when we speak softly. It is only when we raise our voices that the sparks fly and tiny molehills become great mountains of contention (Gordon B Hinckley Quotes)
A nation will rise no higher than the strength of its homes. If you want to reform a nation you begin with families (Gordon B Hinckley Quotes)
Let your first interest be in your home. The baby you hold in your arms will grow quickly as the sunrise and the sunset of the rushing days (Gordon B Hinckley Quotes)
Be modest in your wants... There is nothing that will cause greater tensions in marriage than grinding debt, which will make of you a slave to your creditors (Gordon B Hinckley Quotes)
I hope we will never again see such a depression. But I am troubled by the huge consumer installment debt which hangs over the people of the nation, including our own people (Gordon B Hinckley Quotes)
We need to have a little humor in our lives.. If the time ever comes when we can’t smile at ourselves, it will be a sad time (Gordon B Hinckley Quotes)
Tremendous happiness and peace of mind are the results of loving service to others. Nobody can live fully and happily who lives only unto himself or herself (Gordon B Hinckley Quotes)
I hope you are reading to your children, out loud. That’s much better than watching television, much better. They won’t get very much out of television except some bad thoughts (Gordon B Hinckley Quotes)
Children don’t need beating. They need love and encouragement. They need fathers to whom they can look with respect rather than fear. Above all, they need example (Gordon B Hinckley Quotes)
I know of no better answer to the foul practices that confront our young people than the teachings of a mother, given in love with an unmistakable warning (Gordon B Hinckley Quotes)
Whatever you do, do well. Be good at it. Stand a little taller. Be a little stronger. Be a little better (Gordon B Hinckley Quotes)