Gore Vidal Quotes

Text Quotes
Each writer is born with a repertory company in his head. Shakespeare has perhaps 20 players... I have 10 or so, and thats a lot. As you get older, you become more skillful at casting them (Gore Vidal Quotes)
Ideally, the writer needs no audience other than the few who understand that it is immodest and greedy to want more (Gore Vidal Quotes)
To bring into the world an unwanted human being is as antisocial an act as murder (Gore Vidal Quotes)
I can understand companionship. I can understand bought sex in the afternoon. I cannot understand the love affair (Gore Vidal Quotes)
I am an obsessive rewriter, doing one draft and then another and another, usually five. In a way, I have nothing to say, but a great deal to add (Gore Vidal Quotes)
You can improve your talent, but your talent is a given, a mysterious constant. You must make it the best of its kind (Gore Vidal Quotes)
History is nothing but gossip about the past, with the hope that it might be true (Gore Vidal Quotes)
I’m exactly as I appear. There is no warm, lovable person inside. Beneath my cold exterior, once you break the ice, you find cold water (Gore Vidal Quotes)
Capote I truly loathed. The way you might loathe an animal. A filthy animal that has found its way into the house (Gore Vidal Quotes)
The real writer learns nothing from life. He is more like an oyster or a sponge (Gore Vidal Quotes)
Drugs. If they did not exist our governors would have invented them in order to prohibit them and so make much of the population vulnerable to arrest, imprisonment, seizure of property, and so on (Gore Vidal Quotes)
A babble of words that no one understands now fills the airwaves, and language loses all meaning as we sink slowly, mindlessly, into herstory rather than history because most rapists are men, aren’t they? (Gore Vidal Quotes)
The war against terror is like a war against dandruff. It’s a metaphor. It’s not about anything (Gore Vidal Quotes)
To justify and extol human greed and egotism is to my mind not only immoral, but evil (Gore Vidal Quotes)
Love and hate are so confused in your savage minds and the vibrations of the one are so very like those of the other that I can’t always distinguish. You see, we neither love nor hate in my world. We simply have hobbies (Gore Vidal Quotes)
Actually, there is no such thing as a homosexual person, any more than there is such a thing as a heterosexual person. The words are adjectives describing sexual acts, not people. The sexual acts are entirely normal; if they were not, no one would perform them (Gore Vidal Quotes)
As societies grow decadent, the language grows decadent, too. Words are used to disguise, not to illuminate, action: you liberate a city by destroying it. Words are to confuse, so that at election time people will solemnly vote against their own interests (Gore Vidal Quotes)
Yet in a society of conflicting interests the only democratic way in which matters can be improved is through politics, and politics means the compromising of extremes in order to achieve that notorious half loaf which the passionate and the outraged never find sufficient (Gore Vidal Quotes)
It is natural for men to want power. But to seek power actively takes a temperament baffling to both the simple and the wise. The simple cannot fathom how any man would dare presume to prevail, while the wise are amazed that any reasonable man would want the world, assuming he could get it (Gore Vidal Quotes)
Of course, it is possible for any citizen with time to spare, and a canny eye, to work out what is actually going on, but for the many there is not time, and the network news is the only news even though it may not be news at all but only a series of flashing fictions (Gore Vidal Quotes)
You can’t really succeed with a novel anyway; they’re too big. It’s like city planning. You can’t plan a perfect city because there’s too much going on that you can’t take into account. You can, however, write a perfect sentence now and then. I have (Gore Vidal Quotes)
Because there is no cosmic point to the life that each of us perceives on this distant bit of dust at galaxy’s edge, all the more reason for us to maintain in proper balance what we have here. Because there is nothing else. Nothing. This is it. And quite enough, all in all (Gore Vidal Quotes)
Constant work, constant writing and constant revision. The real writer learns nothing from life. He is more like an oyster or a sponge. What he takes in he takes in normally the way any person takes in experience. But it is what is done with it in his mind, if he is a real writer, that makes his art (Gore Vidal Quotes)
Life will be wonderful when men no longer fear dying. When the last superstitions are thrown out and we meet death with the same equanimity as life. No longer will children’s minds be twisted by evil gods whose fantastic origin is in those barbaric tribes who feared death and lightning, who feared life. That’s it: life is the villain to to those who preach reward in death, through grace and eternal bliss, or through dark revenge (Gore Vidal Quotes)
We affect one another quite enough merely by existing. Whenever the stars cross, or is it comets? fragments pass briefly from one orbit to another. On rare occasions there is total collision, but most often the two simply continue without incident, neither losing more than a particle to the other, in passing (Gore Vidal Quotes)
I can understand companionship. I can understand bought sex in the afternoon, but I cannot understand the love affair (Gore Vidal Quotes)
I am at heart a propagandist, a tremendous hater, a tiresome nag, complacently positive that there is no human problem which could not be solved if people would simply do as I advise (Gore Vidal Quotes)
In any case, write what you know will always be excellent advice to those who ought not to write at all (Gore Vidal Quotes)
Lonely children often have imaginary playmates but I was never lonely; rather, I was solitary, and wanted no company at all other than books and movies, and my own imagination (Gore Vidal Quotes)
By and large, serious fiction was the work of victims who portrayed victims for an audience of victims who, it was oddly assumed, would want to see their lives realistically portrayed (Gore Vidal Quotes)