Gospel Quotes

Text Quotes
I believe in the religion of reason -- the gospel of this world; in the development of the mind, in the accumulation of intellectual wealth, to the end that man may free himself from superstitious fear, to the end that he may take advantage of the forces of nature to feed and clothe the world. (Gospel Quotes)
Great sermon helped me to reflect on scape goats, forgiveness, revenge and the messiness of community. .. where I referenced this sermon. Thanks! Keep preaching the damn Gospel! (Gospel Quotes)
For love is of God. He is the fountain, author, parent, and commander of love; it is the sum of his law and gospel: (Gospel Quotes)
We Protestants automatically assume that the Pharisees are the Catholics. They are the self-righteous people who have made Christianity a form of legalistic religion, thereby destroying the free grace of the Gospel. We Protestants are the tax collectors, knowing that we are sinners and that our lives depend upon God’s free grace. (Gospel Quotes)
I don’t have freedom in the United States to go into a public school and preach the Gospel, nor is a student free in a public school to pray, or a teacher free to read the Bible publicly to the students. At the same time, we have a great degree of freedom for which I am grateful. (Gospel Quotes)
The gospel is not a philosophy of repression, as so many regard it. It is a plan of freedom that gives discipline to appetite and direction to behavior. (Gospel Quotes)
The gospel is not about a lifestyle that we live, it’s about the law-fulfilling life that Christ lived. (Gospel Quotes)
The Gospel declares that our guilt has been atoned for, the law has been fulfilled. So we don’t need to live under the burden of trying to appease the judgment we feel. (Gospel Quotes)
All men who give up themselves in obedience unto God, they are received in Christ’s obedience, viz. in the fulfilling of the obedience, the Jew and the Christian, and so likewise the heathen who has neither the law nor Gospel. (Gospel Quotes)
For the Christian church.... to ignore, euphemize, or otherwise mute the lethal reality of sin is to cut the nerve of the gospel. For the sober truth is that without full disclosure on sin, the gospel of grace becomes impertinent, unnecessary, and finally uninteresting. (Gospel Quotes)
Yes, the fullness of the gospel is a pearl of great price worth any effort (Gospel Quotes)
But the more we search the Scriptures, the more we perceive, in this doctrine, the fundamental truth of the gospel - that truth which gives to redemption its character, and to all other truths their real power. (Gospel Quotes)
Without the gospel, a gathering of people, though they claim otherwise, cannot be an authentic church. (Gospel Quotes)
As I am generous towards others ... As I see a person in need and don’t just say, ‘God bless you.’ I am proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ. (Gospel Quotes)
I grew up listening to AM radio in the 70s and hearing all of that great soul and rhythm and blues music, which definitely influenced the way I sing. But singing gospel has made me a much more humble person. There are so many people who were geniuses who only a few people knew about when they were alive. (Gospel Quotes)
Where better than the church for people like me, George Jones and Johnny Cash to go to get ourselves in shape enough to sing a gospel song? (Gospel Quotes)
It’s not that we have to give to support the gospel. Giving is the gospel. (Gospel Quotes)
There are a thousand needs in the world, and none of them compares to the global need for the gospel. (Gospel Quotes)
The author of the Gospel of Judas wasn’t against martyrdom, and he didn’t ever insult the martyrs. He said it’s one thing to die for God if you have to do that. But it’s another thing to say that’s what God wants, that this is a glorification of God. (Gospel Quotes)
I was made to go to church and I heard the gospel songs, and every now then somebody would come through with a guitar and that was a thrill! (Gospel Quotes)
Think against your feelings; argue yourself out of the gloom they have spread; look up from your problems to the God of the gospel. (Gospel Quotes)
The law shows the distance that exists between God and man; the Gospel bridges that awful chasm and brings the sinner across it. (Gospel Quotes)
As a father of six kids and as a man who’s been transformed by the power of the gospel, I would never just let my kids flounder and just sort of try to figure out their own way through life when I know that I’ve got the best guide on the planet - God and His word. (Gospel Quotes)
God did not give us the gospel to convince humanity; the gospel was given to us to master the language of a new world called God’s Paradise. John 15:16. (Gospel Quotes)
My dad sung and played piano. But he was also a man of God. He was a minister. So when Sam Cooke would come in town, you know, with The Soul Stirrers at that time, he was singing gospel, they would end up at my dad’s church, and it would always be a guest singer for Sunday morning. (Gospel Quotes)
A man can have no greater honour than to be accepted by God as an able Minister of the gospel (Gospel Quotes)
The Gospel is called the good news. My message is a message of hope, that’s God’s [message] for you. (Gospel Quotes)
Of all the errors one could make, God’s gospel plan is the wrong thing to be wrong about (Gospel Quotes)
The true Gospel of Jesus Christ is a revelation of how God has taken sinful man and made him a new creature and imparted to him a perfect righteousness. (Gospel Quotes)
If you can’t prove it in words, it ain’t gospel. Soul music is just an expression of the mind, but your spirit has to be made alive - that’s the real part, the part that God speaks to. (Gospel Quotes)