Government Quotes

Text Quotes
The people of a nation are enslaved when, together, they are helpless to institute effective change, when the people serve the government more than the government serves them (Government Quotes)
I’m a little embarrassed about how long it took me to see the folly of most government intervention. It was probably 15 years before I really woke up to the fact that almost everything government attempts to do, it makes worse (Government Quotes)
A free press stands as one of the great interpreters between the government and the people. To allow it to be fettered is to fetter ourselves (Government Quotes)
I know that my unity with all people cannot be destroyed by national boundaries and government orders (Government Quotes)
I don’t like the idea that the government has so much of a say in things (Government Quotes)
It is function of government to invent philosophies to explain the demands of its own convenience (Government Quotes)
For any new leader of any party at any given time it takes time if you are not in government to establish yourself (Government Quotes)
Government, in the last analysis, is organized opinion. Where there is little or no public opinion, there is likely to be bad government (Government Quotes)
I always assume that democracy is the only good form of government, quite frankly, and democracy is always to be preferred (Government Quotes)
Every friend to the liberty of his country is bound to reflect, and step forward to prevent the dreadful consequences which shall result from a government of events (Government Quotes)
Having proceeded to this length, for which they are now ripe, we shall have a formidable rebellion against reason, the principle of all government, and against the very name of liberty (Government Quotes)
Men at a distance, who have admired our systems of government unfounded in nature, are apt to accuse the rulers, and say that taxes have been assessed too high and collected too rigidly (Government Quotes)
We imagined that the mildness of our government and the wishes of the people were so correspondent that we were not as other nations, requiring brutal force to support the laws (Government Quotes)
I want to assure you that working in transition period is an ungrateful job for any honest government (Government Quotes)
I am supposed to owe the government something like $100 million. I couldn’t squeeze out a dime (Government Quotes)
Government spending is taxation. When you look at this, I’ve never heard of a poor person spending himself into prosperity; let alone I’ve never heard of a poor person taxing himself into prosperity (Government Quotes)
I mean, everyone agrees with stress tests for banks. I mean that’s clear. But banks should do that on their own. And they should worry about their own capital functioning. That’s what they should do. It shouldn’t be a government function (Government Quotes)
There is no reason to have problems between country and country, between government and government, when there is a separation of powers (Government Quotes)
Good government only happens when the people working in it do their jobs, and do them well (Government Quotes)
So if there is a government grant offered for anything, like starting a business or going to school, they cannot discriminate because of your age (Government Quotes)
We can only undo the election if the behavior meets the constitutional standard of subverting and threatening our system of government (Government Quotes)
The role of the federal government should be neutral toward culture just as it is toward religion (Government Quotes)
With respect to drugs, you know, there are a lot of organizations, including an enormous budget and an army at the federal government level that tries to deal with the drug problem (Government Quotes)
Every society, all government, and every kind of civil compact therefore, is or ought to be, calculated for the general good and safety of the community (Government Quotes)
The risk from terrorism remains acute and the private market cannot continue to operate without a government backstop (Government Quotes)
The government doesn’t really prosecute for polygamy anymore, but a lot of the arrests are of groups supporting themselves through welfare scams or for child abuse. So that was all I’d really heard about polygamists (Government Quotes)
The great increase in longevity has produced a surge in the desire to accumulate assets for retirement. It has outpaced the ability of the private sector to produce assets, so we need a larger government debt (Government Quotes)
There is no real justification for a requirement that a budget of any sort should be balanced, except as a rallying point for those who seek to hamstring government (Government Quotes)
Government, which does not and did not grant us our rights, must not now seek to deny them by using fear as its justification (Government Quotes)
You talked about national identity cards and the terrorism bill. We have made a government that has grown used to viewing us as subjects, has grown used to seeing its role as commanding us (Government Quotes)