Government Role Quotes
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Text Quotes
Government has a role as well in what is referred to as redistributive justice (Government Role Quotes)
Governments must now take a leading role in moving their nations in the right direction (Government Role Quotes)
The role of government is to create responsible greed to keep boundaries around what people do (Government Role Quotes)
The role of the federal government, if any, is to create more school choice (Government Role Quotes)
The primary role of professional societies is the lobbying of the government for special advantage (Government Role Quotes)
The role of government is to steer us in the right direction, not do all the work for us (Government Role Quotes)
Bitcoin might revolutionise more than money or economics. It could transform the role and nature of government (Government Role Quotes)
I think government has a major role to play in helping us with the pursuit of happiness (Government Role Quotes)
I’ve always believed as a value that the government has a vital - not overwhelming, but vital - role to play in furthering human welfare and good. I think we have an important supportive role to play, hopefully intelligent and sensible. (Government Role Quotes)
Social entrepreneurship represents the opportunity to redefine the role of government (Government Role Quotes)
[Democrats] are trying on every front to increase the role of government (Government Role Quotes)
Individual believers are not to usurp the role of civil government and judge people who are offensive. (Government Role Quotes)
The country was founded on the principle that primary role of government is to protect property from the majority, and so it remains. (Government Role Quotes)
My role in the government was not to think about narratives and consistency with narratives, but think of the human consequences of rules. (Government Role Quotes)
All the government decisions remain and won’t be altered until I get in the role and have had a chance to discuss them with my colleagues. (Government Role Quotes)
Progress does not compel us to settle centuries-long debates about the role of government for all time, but it does require us to act in our time. (Government Role Quotes)
I talked about the barriers created by monopolies. I said that it was the role of government to break up these monopolies and that we couldn’t do it alone. (Government Role Quotes)
There is a role for government, but no matter how much money the government spends, it will never be able to take the place of parents and strong families. (Government Role Quotes)
I believe the role of government is to stand side by side with our citizens to help them realize their dreams, not tell citizens how to live their lives. (Government Role Quotes)
The role of the church and the government are fundamentally different. The church must always show compassion - always. (Government Role Quotes)
When it comes to the big issues like immigration, everyone has a role. The government has a role. The church has a role. Every Christian has a role. (Government Role Quotes)
The Constitution limits the role of government. The Constitution enumerates the freedoms of the people and enforces those freedoms against government, making sure government cannot encroach (Government Role Quotes)
The importance of the Bible to a church is to keep the church on track. The role of the Constitution in government is to keep the government on track (Government Role Quotes)
I’m not a complete libertarian. There is a proper role in some areas of the government to have rules and regulations - I’m not an anarchist (Government Role Quotes)
The conservative idea is not that government has no role. You might have argued that in the thirties when conservatives opposed the New Deal (Government Role Quotes)
Despite the enormous role that local government plays in our daily lives, the constitution makes not one mention of it (Government Role Quotes)
These are the same people who believe, in some cases, the federal government should not play any role in providing health care to our people or protecting the environment (Government Role Quotes)
Conventional wisdom on government's role in inequality often has it backwards. Tax reforms have resulted in a more progressive federal income tax; government transfer payments have become less progressive (Government Role Quotes)
The realities of the modern global economy require government to play a substantial role in ensuring the national and economic security of the people (Government Role Quotes)
National sovereignty is an obligation as well as an entitlement. A government that will not perform the role of a government forfeits the rights of a government (Government Role Quotes)
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