Grabbing Quotes
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Text Quotes
I love grabbing my wife and going to a distant location to film (Grabbing Quotes)
Grabbing readers by the imagination is a writer’s job (Grabbing Quotes)
Theres something so grabbing about people who will do anything for one another (Grabbing Quotes)
There’s a big difference between grabbing attention and rewarding attention (Grabbing Quotes)
I’m doing a lot more handmade gifts. When I go to a party, I cook whatever it is I need to bring instead of just grabbing a bottle of wine. (Grabbing Quotes)
What a fine line there is between artistry and insanity. There’s no formula for it, and I think a lot of people when they’re around you - even those closest to you - when you’re in that whirl of creativity and you’re grabbing those things out of the air, there’s no rational process (Grabbing Quotes)
Actors are always grabbing each other on stage, looking in each other’s eyes, making a moment so private, the audience doesn’t know what they’re doing. (Grabbing Quotes)
I believe everyone should have a pair of ‘party pumps,’ something with a little bit of sparkle that is attention grabbing and makes you happy. (Grabbing Quotes)
I like to stand out in the crowd. So anytime a designer offers up items that are a little attention grabbing or pushing the boundaries ever so slightly, I’m always game for that. (Grabbing Quotes)
I still do lots of gigs where I’m the support act and people are chatting through my set, but I’ve got better at grabbing attention. I mean, my parents would play on bills with people like Judas Priest and get booed all the way through. But they stuck it out, got tough. (Grabbing Quotes)
Life for most people is a bad dream. They live in pain, grabbing at what they can for pleasure. As they grow old, they despair. Things don’t work out the way you planned. (Grabbing Quotes)
Friends’ played in this territory of being funny, and then also just grabbing your heart. And not afraid of that. It was a comedic soap opera. Not being afraid to have an audience feel something, laugh and cry, was quite extraordinary and quite wonderful. (Grabbing Quotes)
I love stage actors. The pool of world class actors that have done theater [is big], there’s a higher opportunity of grabbing somebody from that pool. (Grabbing Quotes)
Your muse is amused and willed to further renewal during the process of mindless grabbing of reference material or errant imaginings (Grabbing Quotes)
There is a point when tears don’t work to wash things away anymore. Grabbing for breath has now broken my fingers. (Grabbing Quotes)
Even though my brother and I loved scrumping - we loved the act of climbing trees and grabbing fruit - there was always fear we would be caught. We feared we’d be imprisoned, sent to Australia. (Grabbing Quotes)
With ‘Scratch,’ our goal is to allow people to mix together all kinds of media, not just sounds, in creative ways. We want people to start from existing materials - grabbing an image, grabbing some sound, maybe even bits of someone else’s program, and then extending them and mixing them to make them their own. (Grabbing Quotes)
It’s like swimming upstream. Or ¦ falling down a cliff and grabbing at branches, trying to invent the branches as I fall. (Grabbing Quotes)
When you’re obsessive, like me, searching for something unattainable can become unhealthy... it’s like falling through the air and grabbing at the clouds. (Grabbing Quotes)
Like many indelible family memories, carving a pumpkin begins with someone grabbing a really sharp knife. (Grabbing Quotes)
There’s certainly pressure to find your audience early. You need to paint the picture, but it’s tough trying to find the balance between a show that people can tune in on any given week while still grabbing the people who are there every week. (Grabbing Quotes)
India does not have a problem of people grabbing share from a fixed pie. India is one of the few nations where the pie is getting bigger. (Grabbing Quotes)
Marx says that revolutions are the locomotives of world history. But the situation may be quite different. Perhaps revolutions are not the train ride, but the human race grabbing for the emergency brake (Grabbing Quotes)
I was singing in a mall, and I picked a girl to come up onstage with me. As I was grabbing her hand, I fell off the stage. It felt like I was in the air forever, flying like Superman (Grabbing Quotes)
I hate these platforms that are all over the place today; they are all about grabbing attention. They are suburban! I never do a platform. Well, I did, in the 1970s, but that was a bad experience (Grabbing Quotes)
When you’re obsessive, like me, searching for something unattainable can become unhealthy... it’s like falling through the air and grabbing at the clouds (Grabbing Quotes)
Idleness for me is not a giving up on life but a spirited grabbing hold of it (Grabbing Quotes)
Not everyone knows how to be alone with others, how to share solitude. We have to help each other to understand how to be in our solitude, so that we can relate to each other without grabbing on to each other. We can be interdependent but not dependent. Loneliness is rejected despondency. Solitude is shared interdependence (Grabbing Quotes)
My work is about making candy for the eyes. It’s about grabbing your attention. Even though my work is appearing in magazines I am trying to make a large picture. I want my photographs to read like a poster (Grabbing Quotes)
... he had a fascinating technique of gnawing his cigar from one corner of his mouth to the other, as if his teeth were equipped with trolley tracks, and suddenly grabbing it out and gesticulating wit it before he jammed it back (Grabbing Quotes)
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