Grace And Forgiveness Quotes

Text Quotes
Grace is not just about forgiveness but about life (Grace And Forgiveness Quotes)
There is grace for forgiveness (Grace And Forgiveness Quotes)
None of us deserve the good things that come our way. It’s by grace, love and forgiveness that any of us experience joy. (Grace And Forgiveness Quotes)
Love is a Dance set on the stage of Forgiveness and Grace (Grace And Forgiveness Quotes)
Christianity teaches that when man sinned, God opted for forgiveness rather than fairness. He opted for grace and mercy rather than justice (Grace And Forgiveness Quotes)
Forgiveness is given to us from God not because we deserve it. Forgiveness is given to us by the grace of God.(Paraphrased message from the Bible.) (Grace And Forgiveness Quotes)
Forgiveness costs us nothing. All our costly obedience is the fruit, not the root, of being forgiven. That’s why we call it grace. (Grace And Forgiveness Quotes)
We forgive only that which requires forgiveness. To do otherwise is wasteful of grace.-- Laniel, Abbot of Bilkar the Furred (Grace And Forgiveness Quotes)
We are all human, so we may trespass each other. But there is always grace for forgiveness. (Grace And Forgiveness Quotes)
The practice of radical forgiveness, the extension of compassion-this is grace (Grace And Forgiveness Quotes)
Forgiveness from others is charity; from God, grace; from oneself, wisdom (Grace And Forgiveness Quotes)
Happiness is a state of awareness, which comes from tranquility, service, love, grace, and forgiveness. (Grace And Forgiveness Quotes)
Only as we bow in contrition, confession, and repentance at the foot of the cross, can we find forgiveness. There is the grace of God (Grace And Forgiveness Quotes)
Jesus never met a disease he could not cure, a birth defect he could not reverse, a demon he could not exorcise. But he did meet skeptics he could not convince and sinners he could not convert. Forgiveness of sins requires an act of will on the receiver’s part, and some who heard Jesus’ strongest words about grace and forgiveness turned away unrepentant (Grace And Forgiveness Quotes)
Karma means that all actions have consequences. Grace means that in a moment of atonement -taking responsibility, making amends, asking for forgiveness - all karma is burned (Grace And Forgiveness Quotes)
Grace is not blind. It sees the hurt full well. But chooses to see God’s forgiveness even more (Grace And Forgiveness Quotes)
Forgiveness is the divine miracle of grace. The cost to God was the Cross of Christ (Grace And Forgiveness Quotes)
My sin burdened me heavily. But when I measured it against Your Grace, O Lord, Your forgiveness came out greater (Grace And Forgiveness Quotes)
When you make a mistake and the devil comes and tells you ‘You’re no good,’ you don’t have to take on the guilt and condemnation he wants to put on you. No! You can immediately confess your mistake to God, thank Him for forgiving you and cleansing you with the blood of Jesus, and move forward in the victory of His grace and forgiveness (Grace And Forgiveness Quotes)
Forgiveness is the grace by which you enable the other person to get up and get up with dignity, to begin anew (Grace And Forgiveness Quotes)
In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace (Grace And Forgiveness Quotes)
Even to this day, grace remains hard to swallow. Religiosity and moralism go down easier than free forgiveness (Grace And Forgiveness Quotes)
Grace, Mercy and Forgiveness will help a man walk tall. Walk tall! (Grace And Forgiveness Quotes)
Living with animals can be a wonderful experience, especially if we choose to learn the valuable lessons animals teach through their natural enthusiasm, grace, resourcefulness, affection and forgiveness (Grace And Forgiveness Quotes)
Grace is the wonderful spirit that imbues every fiber of our being when we practice the fruits of the spirit: kindness, patience, understanding, forgiveness, love, gentleness, fellowship and endurance (Grace And Forgiveness Quotes)
God’s grace and forgiveness, while free to the recipient, are always costly for the giver (Grace And Forgiveness Quotes)
I really do believe that God is love, one of deep affection and grace and forgiveness and inspiration (Grace And Forgiveness Quotes)