Grace Quotes

Text Quotes
Grace in women has more effect than beauty (Grace Quotes)
I will hold myself to a standard of grace, not perfection (Grace Quotes)
God's mercy and grace give me hope, for myself, and for our world (Grace Quotes)
The law condemns the best of us; but grace saves the worst of us (Grace Quotes)
Grace means that all of your mistakes now serve a purpose instead of serving shame (Grace Quotes)
If you are humble nothing will touch you, neither praise nor disgrace, because you know what you are (Grace Quotes)
Grace is accepting what is, instead of resenting what isn't (Grace Quotes)
Play with respect. Win with grace (Grace Quotes)
When you push against life, life refuses to unfold. Allow grace to lead the way (Grace Quotes)
Grace was free, but it doesn’t mean it was cheap. You were bought with a cost; that cost was the cross (Grace Quotes)
For me, every hour is grace. And I feel gratitude in my heart each time I can meet someone and look at his or her smile (Grace Quotes)
Without grace beauty is an unbaited hook (Grace Quotes)
To offer no resistance to life is to be in a state of grace, ease and lightness (Grace Quotes)
Although I walk with grace I have a mighty roar (Grace Quotes)
True contemplation is not a psychological trick but a theological grace. It can come to us only as a gift, and not as a result of our own clever use of spiritual techniques (Grace Quotes)
We do not live by justice, but by grace (Grace Quotes)
When grace moves in... guilt moves out (Grace Quotes)
Grace is a certain beginning of glory in us (Grace Quotes)
God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble (Grace Quotes)
Beauty without grace is the hook without the bait (Grace Quotes)
With grace in your heart and flowers in your hair (Grace Quotes)
For it is by grace you have been saved (Grace Quotes)
The world upon whom grace is thrust as a bargain will grow tired of it (Grace Quotes)
Grace is free only because the giver himself has borne the cost (Grace Quotes)
The problem with self righteousness is that it seems almost impossible to recognize in ourselves. We will own up to almost any other sin. but not the sin of self-righteousness. When we have this attitude, though, we deprive ourselves of the joy of living in the grace of God. Because you see, grace is only for sinners (Grace Quotes)
God’s grace is painted on the canvas of despair (Grace Quotes)
Every day I strive to get to a place where I’m not effected by the external world, and I don’t use the external world to define or tell me who I am. I strive for a state of equanimity and calm and a state of grace, so I can be free of definitions. If you are free, then you can create beautiful things. It’s really just shutting out the noise (Grace Quotes)
Conformity is an imitation of grace (Grace Quotes)
Let grace and goodness be the principal loadstone of thy affections (Grace Quotes)
To women silence gives their proper grace (Grace Quotes)