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Grace Quotes

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The signs of outstanding leadership appear primarily among the followers. Are the followers reaching their potential? Are they learning? Serving? Do they achieve the required results? Do they change with grace? Manage conflict?  (Grace Quotes) Love is the crowning grace of humanity, the holiest right of the soul, the golden link which binds us to duty and truth, the redeeming principle that chiefly reconciles the heart to life, and is prophetic of eternal good  (Grace Quotes) No one was ever saved because his sins were small; no one was ever rejected on account of the greatness of his sins. Where sin abounded, grace shall much more abound  (Grace Quotes) One of the reasons I wanted to teach deaf children was because it made me very sad that they spoke so clumsily and that they moved with less grace that I knew was possible of deaf people  (Grace Quotes) Remove grace, and you have nothing whereby to be saved. Remove free will and you have nothing that could be saved  (Grace Quotes) A man may lack everything but tact and conviction and still be a forcible speaker; but without these nothing will avail... Fluency, grace, logical order, and the like, are merely the decorative surface of oratory  (Grace Quotes) I think sometimes people project things on you, but I’m trying to handle everything that’s happened to me with a certain amount of grace, dignity and good manners. You just can’t necessarily win all the time  (Grace Quotes) Nothing is old, nothing is new, save the light of grace underneath which beats a human heart. The way of feeling, of understanding, of loving; the way of seeing the country, the faces that your father saw, that your mother knew. The rest is chimerical  (Grace Quotes) Grace tried is better than grace, and more than grace; it is glory in its infancy  (Grace Quotes) Do you know that the ready concession of minor points is a part of the grace of life?  (Grace Quotes) In wickedness of pride is lost the light to understand how little grace is earned and how much given  (Grace Quotes) I’m becoming more and more myself with time. I guess that’s what grace is. The refinement of your soul through time  (Grace Quotes) Such sins, even if they do not kill all grace in us, do harm, nevertheless; and though they are only venial in themselves, they make us apt, ready, and inclined to lose grace and to fall into mortal sin  (Grace Quotes) Acquire the art of detachment, the virtue of method, and the quality of thoroughness, but above all the grace of humility  (Grace Quotes) Happiness is... the grace of being permitted to unfold... all the spiritual powers planted within us  (Grace Quotes) Because up to sixteen years old you feel gymnastics more. You can show your emotion, grace, like woman gymnastics, not kid’s gymnastics. I feel I have good shape, and I can do it elements everything, but, it’s not competition for me  (Grace Quotes) Few people have ever seriously wished to be exclusively rational. The good life which most desire is a life warmed by passions and touched with that ceremonial grace which is impossible without some affectionate loyalty to traditional form and ceremonies  (Grace Quotes) Flattery is a challenge. The proper turning away from it, undercutting, diminishing it without offense or vehemence, is a social grace sweeter even than the swift determination to keep ahead in the race of hospitality  (Grace Quotes) The gayety of life, like the beauty and the moral worth of life, is a saving grace, which to ignore is folly, and to destroy is crime. There is no more than we need; there is barely enough to go round  (Grace Quotes) When she goes about her kitchen duties, chopping, carving, mixing, whisking, she moves with the grace and precision of a ballet dancer, her fingers plying the food with the dexterity of a croupier  (Grace Quotes) For proverbs are the pith, the proprieties, the proofs, the purities, the elegancies, as the commonest so the commendablest phrases of a language. To use them is a grace, to understand them a good  (Grace Quotes) Consider the wheelbarrow. It may lack the grace of an airplane, the speed of an automobile, the initial capacity of a freight car, but its humble wheel marked out the path of what civilization we still have  (Grace Quotes) The inspired scribbler always has the gift for gossip in our common usage he or she can always inspire the commonplace with an uncommon flavor, and transform trivialities by some original grace or sympathy or humor or affection  (Grace Quotes) What do I want to take home from my summer vacation? Time. The wonderful luxury of being at rest. The days when you shut down the mental machinery that keeps life on track and let life simply wander. The days when you stop planning, analyzing, thinking and just are. Summer is my period of grace  (Grace Quotes) We’re all stumbling towards the light with varying degrees of grace at any given moment  (Grace Quotes) If all feeling for grace and beauty were not extinguished in the mass of mankind at the actual moment, such a method of locomotion as cycling could never have found acceptance; no man or woman with the slightest aesthetic sense could assume the ludicrous position necessary for it  (Grace Quotes) A villain must be a thing of power, handled with delicacy and grace. He must be wicked enough to excite our aversion, strong enough to arouse our fear, human enough to awaken some transient gleam of sympathy. We must triumph in his downfall, yet not barbarously nor with contempt, and the close of his career must be in harmony with all its previous development  (Grace Quotes) Gifts are as gold that adorns the temple; grace is like the temple that sanctifies the gold  (Grace Quotes) Nothing humbles and breaks the heart of a sinner like mercy and love. Souls that converse much with sin and wrath, may be much terrified; but souls that converse much with grace and mercy, will be much humbled  (Grace Quotes) Without grace no book can live, and with it the poorest may have its life prolonged  (Grace Quotes)
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