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Grading Quotes

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Let’s say this together: Great me no greats, and leave this grading to posterity  (Grading Quotes) I just read about a schoolteacher who got hurt. She was grading papers on a curve!  (Grading Quotes) If you’re a kid, it’s all you think about if you stutter. Kids can be so mean. My grades suffered. Class participation weighs heavy in grading, and I wouldn’t open my mouth to read or talk in front of anyone.  (Grading Quotes) The SAT plays an important role in helping admissions officers around the country sort out students, well-deserving students from 20,000 high schools that have different curriculums, different grading standards, and different ability to help students get ready for college.  (Grading Quotes) College is something you complete. Life is something you experience. So don’t worry about your grade, or the results or success. Success is defined in myriad ways, and you will find it, and people will no longer be grading you, but it will come from your own internal sense of decency.  (Grading Quotes) I tend to write three to four hours a day, depending - oftentimes very late at night. When I write on Twitter, I do other things: I’m working, grading, or reading, and I’m procrastinating, and I’ll pop on Twitter and be like, ‘Hey, what’s up? Yogurt’s delicious.’  (Grading Quotes) I am good at down grading - I have found I can live the same lifestyle in a two-bedroom apartment as in a five-bedroom house.  (Grading Quotes)