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Gradual Quotes

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This process of change since my stroke has been very gradual. It is going on all the time... It is partly a physical transformation. The body itself is undergoing great changes. My problem before was that I was living largely from the head; and then after the stroke I got down into the heart  (Gradual Quotes) Apart from the hostile influence of man, the organic and the inorganic world are... bound together by such mutual relations and adaptations s secure, if not the absolute permanence and equilibrium of both... at least a very slow and gradual succession of changes in those conditions. But man is everywhere a disturbing agent. Wherever he plants his foot, the harmonies of nature are turned to discords  (Gradual Quotes) The journey of prayer is nothing more or less than a gradual awakening to the reality of recognizing what is already there  (Gradual Quotes) An action movie should, like any other, follow the narrative traditions of literature. That means there should be subtlety, a slow build and a gradual bringing together of all the separate threads of the plot. To see all of it coming together slowly is very rewarding for the audience  (Gradual Quotes) I thought my body was going to change so quickly with pregnancy that I’d freak out. But it was really gradual  (Gradual Quotes) The end of the world was supposed to be gradual. There was supposed to be warning. A long, slow slide. What we got was punctuated equilibrium: a stately wobbling, then a sudden tipping point. There was plenty of warning, I suppose. We just weren’t paying attention  (Gradual Quotes) My success has been something I’ve worked a long time at and it’s been a gradual process. I compare it to the idea of someone losing a lot of weight over a period of a few years. You don’t really notice the weight loss overall but if you compare photos from then and now there’s a big difference  (Gradual Quotes) Fake tan is really difficult to get right. When I was younger, I’d always do it wrong. I’d leave it on and forget to wash it off. So I embrace being pale. I like getting a tan, but I also think that if you’re going to do it, it has to be gradual. I just work the pale thing now  (Gradual Quotes) I am not a liberal, not a conservative, not a believer in gradual progress, not a monk. I should like to be a free artist and nothing more  (Gradual Quotes) I began to have an idea of my life, not as slow shaping of achievement to fit my preconceived purposes, but as the gradual discovery and growth of a purpose which I did not know  (Gradual Quotes) Love, slow and gradual in its growth, is too much like friendship ever to be a violent passion  (Gradual Quotes) Men of science have made abundant mistakes of every kind; their knowledge has improved only because of their gradual abandonment of ancient errors, poor approximations, and premature conclusions  (Gradual Quotes) ...evolution is the gradual development and stratification of progressive series of wholes, stretching from the inorganic beginnings to the highest level of spiritual creation  (Gradual Quotes) The factor in human life provocative of a noble discontent is the gradual emergence of a sense of criticism, founded upon appreciation of beauty, and of intellectual distinction, and of duty  (Gradual Quotes) I had always been led to believe that ageing was a slow and gradual process, the creep of a glacier. Now I realise that it happens in a rush, like snow falling off a roof  (Gradual Quotes) It is, indeed, perhaps the greatest prospect of humanistic studies to contribute through an increasing knowledge of the history of cultural development to that gradual removal of prejudices which is the common aim of all science  (Gradual Quotes) If you look over the course of a hundred years, I think the gradual erosion of the consensus that’s held our country together is probably more serious than a few bearded terrorists who fly into buildings  (Gradual Quotes) It is a pleasant thing to reflect upon, and furnishes a complete answer to those who contend for the gradual degeneration of the human species, that every baby born into the world is a finer one than the last  (Gradual Quotes) I see before me the statue of a celebrated minister, who said that confidence was a plant of slow growth. But I believe, however gradual may be the growth of confidence, that of credit requires still more time to arrive at maturity  (Gradual Quotes) Much of human history can, I think, be described as a gradual and sometimes painful liberation from provincialism, the emerging awareness that there is more to the world than was generally believed by our ancestors  (Gradual Quotes) The most fatal disease of friendship is gradual decay, or dislike hourly increased by causes too slender for complaint, and too numerous for removal  (Gradual Quotes) You can’t jump to vegan if you’re not. Some people are absolute. Some people are able to be gradual  (Gradual Quotes) I’ve just tried to grow up in the most natural and gradual process that I possibly can and make choices I feel are right for me and my fans  (Gradual Quotes) I have no doubt that it is part of the destiny of the human race in it’s gradual improvement, to leave off eating animals  (Gradual Quotes) Freedom of thought is best promoted by the gradual illumination of men’s minds which follows from the advance of science  (Gradual Quotes) According to me, your life is going to be a gradual process of becoming kinder and more loving. Hurry up. Speed it along. Start right now  (Gradual Quotes) To lodge all power in one party and keep it there is to insure bad government and the sure and gradual deterioration of the public morals  (Gradual Quotes) He who disdains the fall in infant mortality and the gradual disappearance of famines and plagues may cast the first stone upon the materialism of the economists  (Gradual Quotes) The formation of different languages and of distinct species and the proofs that both have been developed through a gradual process, are curiously parallel  (Gradual Quotes) Throughout the long period of religious doubt, I had been rendered very unhappy by the gradual loss of belief, but when the process was completed, I found to my surprise that I was quite glad to be done with the whole subject  (Gradual Quotes)
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