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Grandma Quotes

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Grandma was here!  (Grandma Quotes) Put me in a home, I put you in the ground  (Grandma Quotes) When grandma hears you haven’t eaten  (Grandma Quotes) Meanwhile at grandma’s house  (Grandma Quotes) No grandma, listen. Double click the Internet Explorer icon  (Grandma Quotes) There's no place like home except Grandma's  (Grandma Quotes) You shall not pass... Level granny  (Grandma Quotes) I’m calling grandma!  (Grandma Quotes) Grandma got me!!  (Grandma Quotes) What happens at grandma’s stays at grandma’s  (Grandma Quotes) My grandma’s idea of working out  (Grandma Quotes) That’s nice dear  (Grandma Quotes) Grandparenting - getting it right the second time around  (Grandma Quotes) Just taking grandma for a spin  (Grandma Quotes) No... I love it grandma  (Grandma Quotes) I’m gonna appeal this case all the way to grandma!  (Grandma Quotes) "That's nice, honey." Grandma's version of "Cool story, bro."  (Grandma Quotes) Grandma phone  (Grandma Quotes) I've had enough of you mommy, I'm off to nannys where I can get away with everything  (Grandma Quotes) I have a guardian angel in heaven, I call her grandma  (Grandma Quotes) Once heaven is done with grandma, we’d like her back, thanks  (Grandma Quotes) I’m going to be the scariest grandma in the world  (Grandma Quotes) My grandma called me over to fix her computer because “everything moves backwards”  (Grandma Quotes) The only thing better than having you as my mom is my children having you are their grandma  (Grandma Quotes) If sisters were free to express how they really feel, parents would hear this: “Give me all the attention and all the toys and send Rebecca to live with Grandma.”  (Grandma Quotes) Grandma always made you feel she had been waiting to see just you all day and now the day was complete  (Grandma Quotes) That’s what it is to be a grandma. All fun and no stress  (Grandma Quotes) I would love to do top of pops as a grandma  (Grandma Quotes) A house needs a grandma in it  (Grandma Quotes) True love isn't Romeo and Juliet, it's grandma and grandpa who grew old together  (Grandma Quotes)
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