Grant Morrison Quotes
Text Quotes
The first light had cast the first shadow (Grant Morrison Quotes)
Then I reminded myself that all intelligent children suffer bad dreams (Grant Morrison Quotes)
Only nothing is impossible (Grant Morrison Quotes)
This is the end of our sentence (Grant Morrison Quotes)
The interior of our skulls contains a portal to infinity (Grant Morrison Quotes)
There’s a palace in your head, boy. Learn to live in it always (Grant Morrison Quotes)
Laugh and the world laughs with you! (Grant Morrison Quotes)
Sometimes you wonder, in an interconnected universe, who’s dreaming who? (Grant Morrison Quotes)
From now on, I’m opting for ontological terrorism (Grant Morrison Quotes)
Sometimes it’s only madness that makes us what we are (Grant Morrison Quotes)
The only thing that made me, or any of us, special was that no one in the whole of history would ever see the universe exactly the same way any other of us saw it (Grant Morrison Quotes)
He read me extracts from a medical journal describing the progress of a staphylococcus aureus infection. And then he pleasured me with a potato (Grant Morrison Quotes)
Idealists and reformers all become executioners in their turn. The road to utopia ends with the steps of the scaffold, the endless moment of the guillotine (Grant Morrison Quotes)
These characters were like twelve bar blues or other chord progressions. Given the basic parameters of Batman, different creators could play very different music (Grant Morrison Quotes)
The moon is so beautiful. It's a big silver dollar, flipped by God. And it landed scarred side up, see? So He made the world (Grant Morrison Quotes)
It's not so much that history is simply cyclical, it seems to progress via recursive, repeated fractal patterns with minute variations (Grant Morrison Quotes)
If our shallow, self-critical culture sometimes seems to lack a sense of the numinous or spiritual it's only in the same way a fish lacks a sense of the ocean (Grant Morrison Quotes)
Seven actors have played Batman on the big screen, and if you can name all seven without reading any further, your youth has been wasted (Grant Morrison Quotes)
If this book has made any point clear, I hope it's that things don't have to be real to be true. Or vice versa (Grant Morrison Quotes)
Kipling: Where’s your sense of humor? Rebis: We’re working on reconstructing it (Grant Morrison Quotes)
I just wanted all the wars to be over so that we could spend the money on starships and Mars colonies (Grant Morrison Quotes)
It's always the same with lost people; you start out looking for them, and you end up losing yourself (Grant Morrison Quotes)
I see now the virtue in madness, for this country knows no law nor any boundary. I pity the poor shades confined to the Euclidean prison that is sanity (Grant Morrison Quotes)
Amid all the bangs and the drama and the grand passions, it's kindness and just ordinary goodness that stands out in the end (Grant Morrison Quotes)
People look at us and see the poor and the mad, but they're looking at us through the bars of their cages. There's a palace in your head, boy. Learn to live in it always (Grant Morrison Quotes)
The perfect fascist state needs to operate in conditions of perpetual warfare. Have you ever noticed how the world has been in constant crisis since World War II? (Grant Morrison Quotes)
I couldn't think of one clever way to stop this guy, so I just trusted to mindless violence (Grant Morrison Quotes)
Talking to oneself, I have often thought, is the best way to be sure of intelligent and witty conversation (Grant Morrison Quotes)
One must commit acts of the highest treason only when dressed in the most resplendent finery (Grant Morrison Quotes)
We're the new power, come to replace the old. Cameras in the head, children with microchips, spin doctors rewriting reality as it happens (Grant Morrison Quotes)