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Grapes Quotes

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I’m such a goody two-shoes, I don’t even taste the fruit at the grocery store. Like oh, are these grapes good? I can’t even do that. I’m that much of a rule-follower  (Grapes Quotes) Therell always be some weird thing about eating four grapes before you go to bed, or drinking a special tea, or buying this little bean from El Salvador  (Grapes Quotes) I didn’t watch the Emmys because - well, for one, I have been to awards shows, and I understand how it works. For another, sour grapes. Actually, that’s probably number one  (Grapes Quotes) [Akiro] Kurosawa, no doubt, was a big influence. Movies sometimes more than directors have influenced me: The Grapes of Wrath, by John Ford, was an extraordinary discovery. Sergei Eisenstein, of course. Later on, [Ingmar] Bergman  (Grapes Quotes) I do hear snippets on the radio. I do hear a little bit of me, sometimes great chunks of me. But I have to take that as a compliment; there’s no way you can get sour grapes about that. But if somebody starts taking your whole new thing lock, stock, and barrel, and do their own version of it before you do it, that’s not on  (Grapes Quotes) I was born January 6, 1937, eight years after Wall Street crashed and two years before John Steinbeck published The Grapes of Wrath, his Pulitzer Prize-winning novel about the plight of a family during the Great Depression.  (Grapes Quotes) The grapes on a score of rolling hills are red with autumn flame. Across Sonoma Mountain wisps of sea fog are stealing. The afternoon sun smoulders in the drowsy sky. I have everything to make me glad I am alive. I am filled with dreams and mysteries. I am all sun and air and sparkle. I am vitalized, organic.  (Grapes Quotes) It’s true, some wine improves with age. But only if the grapes were good in the first place.  (Grapes Quotes) My favorite fruit is grapes. Because with grapes, you always get another chance. ‘Cause, you know, if you have a crappy apple or a peach, you’re stuck with that crappy piece of fruit. But if you have a crappy grape, no problem - just move on to the next. ‘Grapes: The Fruit of Hope.’  (Grapes Quotes) Ceres wanted a united front in the plant war.The plant war, Percy said. You’re going to arm all the little grapes with tiny assault rifles?  (Grapes Quotes) Be sure to buy organic versions of the ‘dirty dozen:’ the fruits and vegetables that, when grown conventionally, are loaded with pesticides and chemicals: Grapes, apples, lettuce, bell peppers, carrots, nectarines, peaches, strawberries, pears, kale, and celery.  (Grapes Quotes) I’ve never had any delusions about being a leading man, and it’s not sour grapes to say that in the best films that I’ve always enjoyed, the cliched leading man type isn’t a part of the picture.  (Grapes Quotes) In my entire life, any time I’ve ever lost something, I’ve gotten something even better going around the next corner. It’s like one door closes and another door opens. As long as I can walk through the produce section in every grocery store in this country and eat the grapes that they’re going to throw away, I know I can be fine.  (Grapes Quotes) We make decisions every day about what we’re going to eat. And some people want to buy Nike shoes - two pairs, and other people want to eat Bronx grapes and nourish themselves. I pay a little extra, but this is what I want to do.  (Grapes Quotes) Therell always be some weird thing about eating four grapes before you go to bed, or drinking a special tea, or buying this little bean from El Salvador.  (Grapes Quotes) I’ve been into the habit of freezing white grapes and using them as a snack. Instead of eating peanuts or popcorn or something like that or pretzels, I just eat the white grapes.  (Grapes Quotes) Have you read ‘The Grapes of Wrath?’ That was my family. My dad was a sharecropper in western Oklahoma. When the dust storms came and everything got wiped out, they came to California. The guys with the mattresses on the tops of their cars in the movie? That was the way it was.  (Grapes Quotes) When I first began visiting West Germany in the early 1980s, I was startled by the contrast between Birmingham, where I went to school, and affluent Cologne. My host family, the lovely Schumachers, always had an opulent array of grapes on the table; they were better dressed than anyone I knew in Britain.  (Grapes Quotes) Unlike the fast-paced world of racing, there is nothing rushed about growing grapes. They take their time lazily basking in the summer sun, and come fall, as I watch them impatiently, waiting for that perfect balance needed to harvest, I swear they call out to me, ‘What’s the hurry?’  (Grapes Quotes) Men are like a fine wine. They all start out like grapes, and it’s our job to stomp on them and keep them in the dark until they mature into something you’d like to have dinner with.  (Grapes Quotes) Food for thought, eat my words with your mind: Emcees are grapes, and grapes are crushed to wine  (Grapes Quotes) I tend to eat things in fours. I’ll eat four nuts, four grapes, four chips at a time. I don’t know why. It’s not really a superstition. I don’t think anything bad will happen if I don’t, but three potato chips doesn’t seem right.  (Grapes Quotes) God in his goodness sent the grapes To cheer both great and small; Little fools will drink too much And great fools none at all!  (Grapes Quotes) Here’s to the man Who owns the land That bears the grapes That makes the wine That tastes as good As this does.  (Grapes Quotes) I’m such a goody two-shoes, I don’t even taste the fruit at the grocery store. Like oh, are these grapes good? I can’t even do that. I’m that much of a rule-follower.  (Grapes Quotes) The American government has been harvesting the Middle Eastern grapes of wrath for a generation and not making a secret of it, either. As lousy as the mass media may be, there was enough news about what was transpiring, year after year, to get the gist of what was happening... No American can truthfully say that they could not find out what was going on ...  (Grapes Quotes) Up in the Air’ may be a glossy production sprinkled with laughter and sex, but it captures the distinctive topography of our Great Recession as vividly as a far more dour Hollywood product of 70 years ago, ‘The Grapes of Wrath,’ did the vastly different landscape of the Great Depression.  (Grapes Quotes) I once owned a collection of 77 novels that won the Pulitzer. The only good novel of the bunch was The Grapes of Wrath.  (Grapes Quotes)
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