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Grassy Quotes

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I had to pinch myself seeing the grassy knoll and the book suppository building  (Grassy Quotes) He made the world a grassy road before our bare, wandering feet, Then crushed the stones into the softest sand between our toes  (Grassy Quotes) There are some things, but not too many, toward which the countryman knows he must be properly respectful if he would avoid pain, sickness and injury. Nature is neither punitive nor solicitous, but she has thorns and fangs as wells as bowers and grassy banks  (Grassy Quotes) What a joy it is to feel the soft, springy earth under my feet once more, to follow grassy roads that lead to ferny brooks where I can bathe my fingers in a cataract of rippling notes, or to clamber over a stone wall into green fields that tumble and roll and climb in riotous gladness!  (Grassy Quotes) I would not call myself a veteran conspiracy theorist. Or an obsessed one. I pretty much peaked on the whole conspiracy theory thing in the 60s, with the grassy knoll, who really killed JFK, and who ordered the hit on Lee Harvey Oswald  (Grassy Quotes) Sorrel adds a unique grassy sharpness to salads and dressings, but it can be hard to come by  (Grassy Quotes)