Grave Quotes

Text Quotes
The nation guarantees the nurture, education, and comfortable maintenance of every citizen from the cradle to the grave (Grave Quotes)
He who shall teach the child to doubt the rotting grave shall ne’er get out (Grave Quotes)
Frankly, despite my distaste of the press, I’d love to rise from the grave every ten years or so and go buy a few newspapers (Grave Quotes)
This character wherewith we sink into the grave at death is the very character wherewith we shall reappear at the resurrection (Grave Quotes)
There was a state without king or nobles; there was a church without a bishop; there was a people governed by grave magistrates which it had selected, and by equal laws which it had framed (Grave Quotes)
Can it be that chance has made me one of those women so immersed in one man that, whether they are barren or not, they carry with them to the grave the shrivelled innocence of an old maid? (Grave Quotes)
Perhaps the only misplaced curiosity is that which persists in trying to find out here, on this side of death, what lies beyond the grave (Grave Quotes)
Vicissitudes of fortune, which spares neither man nor the proudest of his works, which buries empires and cities in a common grave (Grave Quotes)
What though before us lies the open grave? Like men we’ll face the murderous, cowardly pack, pressed to the wall, dying, but fighting back! (Grave Quotes)
A man’s family sets him apart from all other living creatures... Only man stands with his children from first to last, from birth to death, and to the grave (Grave Quotes)
If you’re still hanging onto a dead dream of yesterday, laying flowers on its grave by the hour, you cannot be planting the seeds for a new dream to grow today (Grave Quotes)
Christ’s grave was the birthplace of an indestructible belief that death is vanquished and there is life eternal (Grave Quotes)
I have lived, and I have run the course which fortune allotted me; and now my shade shall descend illustrious to the grave (Grave Quotes)
There is something beyond the grave; death does not put an end to everything the dark shade escapes from the consumed pile (Grave Quotes)
Experience has taught me that the only friends we can call our own, who can have no change, are those over whom the grave has closed; the seal of death is the only seal of friendship (Grave Quotes)
We die every day; every moment deprives us of a portion of life and advances us a step toward the grave; our whole life is only along and painful sickness (Grave Quotes)
Time, the cradle of hope, but the grave of ambition, is the stern corrector of fools, but the salutary counselor of the wise, bringing all they dread to the one, and all they desire to the other (Grave Quotes)
Sweet rose, whose hue, angry and brave, bids the rash gazer wipe his eye, thy root is even in the grave, and thou must die (Grave Quotes)
Some grave their wrongs on marble; he, more just, stooped down serene, and wrote them in the dust (Grave Quotes)
Mix with your grave designs a little pleasure; each day of business has its hour of leisure (Grave Quotes)
O that grave speech would cumber out quick souls, like bells that waste the moments with their loudness (Grave Quotes)
If cities were built by the sound of music, then some edifices would appear to be constructed by grave, solemn tones, others to have danced forth to light fantastic airs (Grave Quotes)
With the civilized man contentment is a myth. From the cradle to the grave he is forever longing and striving after something better, an indefinable something, some new object yet unattained (Grave Quotes)
Obstinacy and heat in argument are surest proofs of folly. Is there anything so stubborn, obstinate, disdainful, contemplative, grave, or serious, as an ass? (Grave Quotes)
Tombs are the clothes of the dead. A grave is but a plain suit, and a rich monument is one embroidered (Grave Quotes)
E’en grave divines submit to glittering gold, the best of consciences are bought and sold (Grave Quotes)
The greatness that would make us grave, is but an empty thing. What more than mirth would mortals have? the cheerful man’s a king (Grave Quotes)
Grave was the man in years, in looks, in word, his locks were gray, yet was his courage green (Grave Quotes)
We go to the grave of a friend saying, a man is dead; but angels throng about him, saying, a man is born (Grave Quotes)
If so men’s memories not a monument be, none shalt thou have. Warm hearts, and not cold stone, must mark thy grave, or thou shalt lie, unknown. Marbles keep not themselves; how then, keep thee? (Grave Quotes)