Great Freedom Quotes

Text Quotes
Freedom is a rare and delicate plant. Our minds tell us, and history confirms, that the great threat to freedom is the concentration of power (Great Freedom Quotes)
In my youth I stressed freedom, and in my old age I stress order. I have made the great discovery that liberty is a product of order (Great Freedom Quotes)
In many respects, the United States is a great country. Freedom of speech is protected more than in any other country. It is also a very free society (Great Freedom Quotes)
I spent a great deal of time with Che Guevara while I was in Havana. I believe he was far less a mercenary than he was a freedom fighter (Great Freedom Quotes)
Beware how you trifle with your marvelous inheritance, this great land of ordered liberty, for if we stumble and fall, freedom and civilization everywhere will go down in ruin (Great Freedom Quotes)
Freedom is about authority. Freedom is about the willingness of every single human being to cede to lawful authority a great deal of discretion about what you do (Great Freedom Quotes)
The idea of working with Steven Spielberg was very attractive. He's such a master. He knows the language of the camera and of filmmaking, which gives him a great freedom (Great Freedom Quotes)
Analysis gave me great freedom of emotions and fantastic confidence. I felt I had served my time as a puppet (Great Freedom Quotes)
I set as my goal to be the best dancer I could be. Not the most famous, or the highest paid dancer, just the best I could be. Out of this discipline came great freedom and calm (Great Freedom Quotes)
Some of us have a hard time believing that we are actually able to face our own pain. We have convinced ourselves that our pain is too deep, too frightening, something to avoid at all costs. Yet if we finally allow ourselves to feel the depth of that sadness and gently let it break our hearts, we may come to feel a great freedom, a genuine sense of release and peace, because we have finally stopped running away from ourselves and from the pain that lives within us (Great Freedom Quotes)
I hold it a blasphemy to say that a man ought not to fight against authority: there is no great religion and no great freedom that has not done it, in the beginning (Great Freedom Quotes)
It is amazing how, when all possibilities seem to be taken away from you, the minutest opening can become a great freedom (Great Freedom Quotes)
It is a paradoxical statement, but it takes incredible personal discipline to play with great freedom (Great Freedom Quotes)
When you find peace within, you also find that you can do without. This means simply that you no longer need the things of your outside world, and not needing is a great freedom (Great Freedom Quotes)
When you become centered, suddenly there is great freedom because you know you are not the mind and you are not the body (Great Freedom Quotes)
Beware of dreams! And watch your dreams day in, day out, because they are continuously there. You can watch them, and by watching them you will become unidentified with them, you will become a mirror reflecting them. And this brings great freedom. Freedom from dreams is freedom from the world (Great Freedom Quotes)
Don’t expect anything from anybody, this is also a great freedom. Don’t expect things to be different or people to be in service to you or your own life or projections. Feel gradually that natural feeling of detachment. Don’t watch constantly with the eyes of relationship and past and so on. Stay faithful to your own discovery, leave the rest and life will take care of it (Great Freedom Quotes)
America gains most when individuals have great freedom to pursue personal goals without undue government interference (Great Freedom Quotes)
Unnecessary possessions are unnecessary burdens. If you have them, you have to take care of them! There is great freedom in simplicity of living. It is those who have enough but not too much who are the happiest (Great Freedom Quotes)