Great Future Quotes

Text Quotes
You know what the great thing about babies is? They are like little bundles of hope. Like the future in a basket. (Great Future Quotes)
It was strange how the future seemed tied inseparably to the past, so that both revolved through the present, like a great wheel... (Great Future Quotes)
I am not a great fan of the payroll tax holiday because I’m nervous about what it does to the future of Social Security. (Great Future Quotes)
Together, we will have one great American future. Our potential is unlimited. We will be one people, under one God, saluting one American flag. (Great Future Quotes)
America’s all about freedom of choice, and I really hope that in the future we still have a great choice of vehicles. (Great Future Quotes)
James [Wilson] has a great future ahead of him. Everyone can see he has a great left foot, it’s incredible the way he can finish. His touch is good and he is quick as well; he has everything to succeed (Great Future Quotes)
I have always been very confident and very upbeat about the future potential of India. I think it is a great country with great potential (Great Future Quotes)
That’s the great thing about the future - nobody knows what’s going to happen. That’s what makes it all exciting (Great Future Quotes)
American future lies in the East. The great free markets of the Pacific Rim are the American destiny (Great Future Quotes)
There is no great future for any people whose faith has burned out (Great Future Quotes)
All Rhodes Scholars had a great future in their past (Great Future Quotes)
You can't change the past, so focus on making a great future (Great Future Quotes)
Every great work of art has two faces, one toward its own time and one toward the future, toward eternity (Great Future Quotes)
The great secret about goals and visions is not the future they describe but the change in the present they engender (Great Future Quotes)
In history, a great volume is unrolled for our instruction, drawing the materials of future wisdom from the past errors and infirmities of mankind (Great Future Quotes)
Every great work of art has two faces, one towards its own time and one towards future, towards eternity (Great Future Quotes)
Youth does not think into the future far enough, therefore we must encourage them to dream of great tomorrows (Great Future Quotes)
History is the depository of great actions, the witness of what is past, the example and instructor of the present, and monitor to the future (Great Future Quotes)
Paris flared - Paris, which the divine sun had sown with light, and where in glory waved the great future harvest of truth and of justice (Great Future Quotes)
People respond when you tell them there is a great future in front of you, you can leave your past behind (Great Future Quotes)
Pathology is rapidly becoming the basis of sensational literature, and in art, as in politics, there is a great future for monsters (Great Future Quotes)
I see a great future for gold and silver coins as the currency people may increasingly turn to when paper currencies begin to disintegrate (Great Future Quotes)
There are hurdles, there are handicaps, hardships you have to face in life, but you hope for a great future (Great Future Quotes)
I am walking today because of chiropractic care I received years ago. I predict a great future for the science of chiropractic (Great Future Quotes)
I see no point in exchanging something that I understand, know, love and think will have a great future for something else that I know much less about (Great Future Quotes)
The vast possibilities of our great future will become realities only if we make ourselves responsible for those realities (Great Future Quotes)
James was truly an unknown quantity. He was really, physically drained in the spring and he got dinged in the fall. We brought him along slowly, but he has a great future. He’s a natural receiver (Great Future Quotes)
You can get over a broken past if you decide to believe that there’s nothing in your past that can keep you from having a great future (Great Future Quotes)
Avarice often produces opposite results: there are an infinite number of persons who sacrifice their property to doubtful and distant expectations; others mistake great future advantages for small present interests (Great Future Quotes)
The vast possibilities of our great future will become realities only if we make ourselves responsible for that future (Great Future Quotes)