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Great Leaders Quotes

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Great leaders don’t succeed because they are great. They succeed because they bring out the greatness in others.  (Great Leaders Quotes) Lots of countries have great constitutions, but their leaders have a practice of ignoring the rules whenever they feel like it.  (Great Leaders Quotes) Great necessities call forth great leaders  (Great Leaders Quotes) Great companies in the way they work, start with great leaders  (Great Leaders Quotes) Throughout history, great leaders have known the power of humor  (Great Leaders Quotes) Spotting talent is one of the essential elements of great leadership  (Great Leaders Quotes) Great obstacles make great leaders  (Great Leaders Quotes) Great companies with the way they work, first start with great leaders  (Great Leaders Quotes) Great leaders rally people to a better future  (Great Leaders Quotes) Great leaders gain authority by giving it away  (Great Leaders Quotes) Great leaders are never too proud to learn  (Great Leaders Quotes) At the heart of great leadership is a curious mind, heart, and spirit  (Great Leaders Quotes) Great leaders make leadership look so easy  (Great Leaders Quotes) Great leaders make people feel important  (Great Leaders Quotes) Great leaders see money as fuel, not a destination  (Great Leaders Quotes) Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers  (Great Leaders Quotes) Great leaders get people to think more of themselves, not more of the leader  (Great Leaders Quotes) The world doesn’t need more great leaders, it needs more great people who lead  (Great Leaders Quotes) Great leadership is not attained by pursuing greatness but by persevering through great tests  (Great Leaders Quotes) Great leaders are always out front with a banner, instead of behind with a whip  (Great Leaders Quotes) Leaders stand out. Good leaders succeed. Great leaders make a difference in the world  (Great Leaders Quotes) Great leaders state out loud what they intend to do and in doing so, they get things done  (Great Leaders Quotes) Poor leaders push us towards the goal. Great leaders guide us through the journey  (Great Leaders Quotes) Great leaders don’t see themselves as great; they see themselves as human  (Great Leaders Quotes) Great leaders give everyone something to believe in, not something to do  (Great Leaders Quotes) Great leaders don’t blame the tools they are given. Great leaders work to sharpen them  (Great Leaders Quotes) Great leaders never accept the world as it was and always work for the world as it should be  (Great Leaders Quotes) Great leaders genuinely care for and love the people they lead more than they love leading itself  (Great Leaders Quotes) We will make them think it’s their idea. That’s how all great leaders fool people  (Great Leaders Quotes) Great leaders understand human behavior rather than the cybernetics of any function  (Great Leaders Quotes)
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