Great Poetry Quotes
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Text Quotes
Because science flourishes, must poesy decline? The complaint serves but to betray the weakness of the class who urge it. True, in an age like the present,-considerably more scientific than poetical,-science substitutes for the smaller poetry of fiction, the great poetry of truth (Great Poetry Quotes)
Great Music, it said, and Great Poetry would like quieten Modern Youth down and make Modern Youth more Civilized. Civilized my syphilised yarbles (Great Poetry Quotes)
There isn’t, even now, a great tradition of novel-writing in Afghanistan. Most of the literature is in the form of poetry (Great Poetry Quotes)
Thomas Davis was a great man where poetry is concerned, and a better than Thomas Moore. All over Ireland his poetry is, and he would have done other things but that he died young (Great Poetry Quotes)
Even if great poetry continues to be written, it has retreated from the center of literary life. Though supported by a loyal coterie, poetry has lost the confidence that it speaks to and for the general culture (Great Poetry Quotes)
Great poetry needs no interpreter other than a responsive heart (Great Poetry Quotes)
I’m not a great poetry fan (Great Poetry Quotes)
Great poetry is always written by somebody straining to go beyond what he can do (Great Poetry Quotes)
Great poetry does not have to be technically intricate (Great Poetry Quotes)
You don’t have to live in a garage to write great poetry (Great Poetry Quotes)
All great poetry is dipped in the dyes of the heart (Great Poetry Quotes)
... what is great poetry, after all, but the continuation of the human voice after death? (Great Poetry Quotes)
In the great cities, winter glitters with art and feasting. But poetry, the country cousin, sees only the dearth of the fields (Great Poetry Quotes)
If our goal is to write poetry, the only way we are likely to be any good is to try to be as great as the best (Great Poetry Quotes)
Epic poetry exhibits life in some great symbolic attitude. It cannot strictly be said to symbolize life itself, but always some manner of life (Great Poetry Quotes)
Great poetry must be admired, because it is great and because it is poetry, and so we admire it (Great Poetry Quotes)
I was intoxicated by the romantic poetry of our great writers. I arranged the world according to my private use, looking at it through the poems I had devoured (Great Poetry Quotes)
Prose on certain occasions can bear a great deal of poetry; on the other hand, poetry sinks and swoons under a moderate weight of prose (Great Poetry Quotes)
Not all poetry wants to be storytelling. And not all storytelling wants to be poetry. But great storytellers and great poets share something in common: They had something to say, and did (Great Poetry Quotes)
I think we fool ourselves and really negate a great deal of history if we think that the oral history of poetry is shorter than the written history of poetry. It's not true. Poetry has a longer oral tradition than it does written (Great Poetry Quotes)
A great many people seem to think writing poetry is worthwhile, even though it pays next to nothing and is not as widely read as it should be (Great Poetry Quotes)
Poetry is not a civilizer, rather the reverse, for great poetry appeals to the most primitive instincts (Great Poetry Quotes)
I am not ridiculing verbal mechanisms, dreams, or repressions as origins of poetry; all three of them and more besides may have a great deal to do with it (Great Poetry Quotes)
A visual experience is vitalizing. Whereas to write great poetry, to draw continuously on one’s inner life, is not merely exhausting, it is to keep alight a consuming fire (Great Poetry Quotes)
Great poetry, whether written in Greek or in English, needs no other interpreter than a responsive heart (Great Poetry Quotes)
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