Great Song Quotes

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A good song stays in your head because it’s catchy, a great song stays because it means something to you (Great Song Quotes)
If you can take it to the next level and really tell an interesting story in a unique and fresh way, then I feel like that’s a great song (Great Song Quotes)
But when I hear a great song, I can’t help but be inspired by it, regardless of whatever genre that song falls under (Great Song Quotes)
Just wage a total war against these tyrants; I think we will do very well and our children will sing great songs about us years from now (Great Song Quotes)
Music shouldn’t be based around money or politics. Music should be a bunch of people that really do great songs together doing them together for the pursuit of having a good time (Great Song Quotes)
That’s what I love. Not being interrupted, sitting in a car by myself and listening to music in the rain. There are so many great songs yet to sing (Great Song Quotes)
There’s a saying, ‘It’s easy to write songs, but very difficult to write great songs.’ I’m going through that right now (Great Song Quotes)
I know great songwriters. Fred Neil would come up when he was in L. A., we all used to hang out. He would sit there and sing, and we would just melt. I mean, we would go to his recording sessions (Great Song Quotes)
At the end of the day, all people want to do is hear a great singer sing a great song. They don’t care about what vocal changes it went through. You can’t screw up a great song and a great singer (Great Song Quotes)
I always feel like when I’ve listened to a great song I know it, ‘cuz it’s the only time I’ll ever get goosebumps or something like that (Great Song Quotes)
I’m confused that there is a lack of faith in listening to and deciding what is a great song and instead going for these formulaic, bad songs over and over again. But that’s what happened when people from beverage companies bought record labels and radio stations as opposed to people who love music owning record labels (Great Song Quotes)
Songwriting is something I really need to work on. I don't have very many songs but I really love it. I would love to be a great song writer some day (Great Song Quotes)
The nineteenth century and after though the great song return no more there's keen delight in what we have:the rattle of pebbles on the shore under the receding wave (Great Song Quotes)
I love Sell Out, I think it's great. I love the jingles. The whole thing as an album is a wonderful piece of work. The cover. Everything about it. It's got humor, great songs, irony (Great Song Quotes)
When you have great songs that are going to live longer than the composers, everything you can do to bring those different elements and nuances out, serve the song (Great Song Quotes)
You can’t plan to write a great song. It just happens to you. It drops in your lap. It’s the same thing with a woman (Great Song Quotes)
We human beings are tuned such that we crave great melody and great lyrics. And if somebody writes a great song, it’s timeless that we as humans are going to feel something for that and there’s going to be a real appreciation (Great Song Quotes)
I can only say thank you and thanks also to all of the great songwriters who wrote those wonderful songs that became number ones (Great Song Quotes)
The hack songwriter will write the absolute truth every single word, whether it makes a great song or not (Great Song Quotes)
To me, it’s all about the song. Songs are what make me excited. You hear a great song and you want to record it or get a great idea and you want to write it (Great Song Quotes)
I’m always looking for great songs, and not being much of a songwriter, I depend on great songwriters to send them to me. I go through tons of stuff, and sometimes you just find material that kind of fits and becomes something special (Great Song Quotes)
Cowriting is very personal. A great song is an honest song, so you have to be able to open up to the person in the room. It’s like a blind date. I know in the first five minutes if it’s gonna be weird (Great Song Quotes)
A good song should make you wanna tap your foot and get with your girl. A great song should destroy cops and set fire to the suburbs. I’m only interested in writing great songs (Great Song Quotes)
I don’t write a great song every day. I don’t write a great song every couple weeks. It comes in such random times (Great Song Quotes)
A great song should make you stop everything that you’re doing. You should be so into it that you just can’t imagine doing anything else for that moment. You wouldn’t even dream of picking up the phone (Great Song Quotes)
You know, there’s still a lot of great songwriters out there who hand in songs. And there’s a lot of brilliant singers and performers out there who sing other people’s words. I enjoy doing both (Great Song Quotes)
I like making songs up. Whether or not they’re great songs or good songs, whatever. It’s something I’ve always done, and I definitely feel like I’ve gotten better at it (Great Song Quotes)
Don’t try to follow any trends, just concentrate on writing great songs and knowing your instrument. All the other stuff will fall into place (Great Song Quotes)
I think people who are artists, actors, singers, great songwriters, they tend to have a hyper state of emotion where they feel things very, very deeply, probably more deeply than the average person walking down the street where it may affect them, but not to the same extent (Great Song Quotes)
I try never to focus on the radio, just find great songs, find emotion and just write the best songs you can. I think when you get fixated on trying to do something too accurate, it becomes more washed out and less what you intended it to be. So I think each time the challenge for me is to try and reinvent a little bit (Great Song Quotes)