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Great Teachers Quotes

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What all great teachers appear to have in common is love of their subject, an obvious satisfaction in rousing this love in their students, and an ability to convince them that what they are being taught is deadly serious  (Great Teachers Quotes) Find the God in your own heart and you will understand by direct intuition what all the great teachers, real mystics, true philosophers and inspired people have been trying to tell you by the tortuous method of using words  (Great Teachers Quotes) I used to think great teachers inspire you. Now I think I had it wrong. Good teachers inspire you; great teachers show you how to inspire yourself every day of your life. They don’t show you their magic. They show you how to make magic of your own  (Great Teachers Quotes) Curiosity, wonder, and passion are defining qualities of imaginative minds and great teachers... Restlessness and discontent are vital things... Intense experience and suffering instruct us in ways less intense emotions can never do  (Great Teachers Quotes) Looking back to the earlier centuries of the church, most of the great teachers were also bishops and vice versa. It’s only fairly recently that the church has had this great divide  (Great Teachers Quotes) You can have great teachers, but if you don’t have a good principal, you won’t have a good school  (Great Teachers Quotes) Most teachers are not enlightened. Very few are. That doesn’t mean they are not great teachers  (Great Teachers Quotes) Meditate on enlightenment. Read the exploits of the great teachers, the great saints. They’ll inspire you. Their power is there  (Great Teachers Quotes) If you’re lucky you find your way into a spiritual community and you start to find the great teachers of all the ages who said the same thing. There’s only love, you’re made of love  (Great Teachers Quotes) I had a number of great teachers and the ones that really were the strongest influences on me were women. They were really, really smart and interesting women  (Great Teachers Quotes) Dogs are great teachers. They are at home in the world. They live in the moment, and they force us to stay there with them. Dogs love us unconditionally, not for our bodies or bank accounts  (Great Teachers Quotes) We disagree with the assertion that great teachers can be replaced by online alternatives. The futuristic claim that technology will triumph over teachers ignores all the social and relational dimensions of teaching and learning  (Great Teachers Quotes) The great teachers fill you up with hope and shower you with a thousand reasons to embrace all aspects of life  (Great Teachers Quotes) The Jesuits I know who have died and all their lives were great teachers, they’re the least remembered people  (Great Teachers Quotes)
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