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Greek Quotes

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My best vacation was renting a boat and motoring along the Adriatic, going along the Croatian coast, before it became so fashionable. I’ve also sailed around the Turkish islands, the Greek islands and Sicily.  (Greek Quotes) I never played sports or got into the whole guy camaraderie of, like, ‘I love you, man! Seniors forever!’ So suddenly being in the military with these guys who were under these very heightened circumstances, isolated from their families, living this very kind of Greek lifestyle, it changed my life in a really big way.  (Greek Quotes) All the wonders of the Greek civilization heaped together are less wonderful than the single book of Psalms. Greece had all that this world could give her; but the flowers of Paradise blossomed in Palestine alone.  (Greek Quotes) In college, I was a researcher/writer for ‘Let’s Go: Europe,’ assigned to Crete and Cyprus. I was supposed to go to England, but at the last minute they transferred me, despite the fact that I spoke not a word of Greek. I learned the very basics, and to this day can say ‘oil,’ ‘vinegar,’ and ‘boyfriend in America.’  (Greek Quotes) Do you have any Greek in you? That was just a tactful way of asking if you’re pregnant. If you’re not, then let’s break up.  (Greek Quotes) I’ve always felt, with ‘The Iliad,’ a real frustration that it’s read wrong. That it’s turned into this public school poem, which I don’t think it is. That glamorising of war, and white-limbed, flowing-haired Greek heroes - it’s become a cliched, British empire part of our culture.  (Greek Quotes) White folks was in the caves while we [blacks] was building empires ... We built pyramids before Donald Trump ever knew what architecture was ... we taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it.  (Greek Quotes) I always tried to learn Greek, but all I got out of it was, poulaki mou. [My little chicken.]  (Greek Quotes) Quality in a classical Greek sense is how to live with grace and intelligence, with bravery and mercy.  (Greek Quotes) Theatre probably originated without texts, but by the time we get to the classical Greek period, theatre has become text-based.  (Greek Quotes) For me as a writer, Albanian is simply an extraordinary means of expression - rich, malleable, adaptable. As I have said in my latest novel, ‘Spiritus,’ it has modalities that exist only in classical Greek, which puts one in touch with the mentality of antiquity.  (Greek Quotes) I go back and research, say, every reference to the Gorgons, and I find what the classical writers said about them and it’s so much richer than you might get in an average Greek mythology text. I feel like an archaeologist - I’m dusting off these things that people have not seen for thousands of years and bringing them into the modern world.  (Greek Quotes) Negativland through rose colored glasses. If ‘mice are from Mars,’ Greek Buck is from Venus.  (Greek Quotes) The future science of government should be called ‘la cybernétique’ (1843) Coining the French word to mean ‘the art of governing,’ from the Greek (Kybernetes = navigator or steersman), subsequently adopted as cybernetics by Norbert Weiner for the field of control and communication theory.  (Greek Quotes) The tragedy of Eliot Spitzer is almost Greek: Ascendant son of wealth and privilege dedicates his life to social justice, warns of the corruption lurking among us, and falls victim to his inner demons at the very moment of vindication.  (Greek Quotes) Everyone asks me why someone Turkish is making Greek yogurt. In Greece, it is not called ‘Greek yogurt.’ Everywhere in the world it is called ‘strained yogurt.’ But because it was introduced in this country by a Greek company, they called it ‘Greek yogurt.’  (Greek Quotes) In order to make reforms sustainable, the Greek economy needs the space to return to growth and start creating jobs again.  (Greek Quotes) All of our religions but the Judaic and the Greek think more of us dead than alive  (Greek Quotes) There is nothing that has caused me to meditate more on Plato’s secrecy and sphinx-like nature, than the happily preserved petit fait that under the pillow of his death-bed there was found no ‘Bible,’ nor anything Egyptian, Pythagorean, or Platonic - but a book of Aristophanes. How could even Plato have endured life - a Greek life which he repudiated - without an Aristophanes!  (Greek Quotes) The Greek conception of a life in harmony with nature found its most complete development in the rationalism of the Renaissance and of the centuries that followed it.  (Greek Quotes) In politics, there are different categories of friendship. My friendship with Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, for example .  (Greek Quotes) A man is in general better pleased when he has a good dinner upon his table, than when his wife talks Greek.  (Greek Quotes) My parents divorced. There was the usual awkward business of going between them, but I was mostly with my mother. She remarried to a Greek painter Nico Ghika, so we were always around artists and intellectuals.  (Greek Quotes) The word politics comes from the Greek politeia which had to do with the citizenry, not the government.  (Greek Quotes) Even though I resigned as Papandreou’s adviser early in 2006 and turned into his government’s staunchest critic during his mishandling of the post-2009 Greek implosion, my public interventions in the debate on Greece and Europe have carried no whiff of Marxism.  (Greek Quotes) All my stories are like the Greek and Roman myths, and the Egyptian myths, and the Old and New Testament.  (Greek Quotes) In the French language, there is a great gulf between prose and poetry; in English, there is hardly any difference. It is a splendid privilege of the great literary languages Greek, Latin, and French that they possess a prose. English has not this privilege. There is no prose in English.  (Greek Quotes) The deeper I go into mythology, the more I find. I originally did five ‘Percy Jackson’ books. I thought that would cover Greek mythology and I couldn’t have been more wrong. It’s ever-expanding.  (Greek Quotes) I started asking the big questions that I had asked in college, that my compatriots the Greek philosophers had asked, like ‘what is a good life?’ Socrates famously said that ‘The unexamined life is not worth living.’ I started asking these questions from the starting point of ‘what is success?’  (Greek Quotes) I much preferred Latin to Greek. I loved the language being such a pattern that you could not shift a word without the whole sentence falling to pieces.  (Greek Quotes)
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