Gretel Ehrlich Quotes
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Text Quotes
Ritual which could entail a wedding or brushing one’s teeth goes in the direction of life. Through it we reconcile our barbed solitude with rushing, irreducible conditions of life. (Gretel Ehrlich Quotes)
Perhaps despair is the only human sin (Gretel Ehrlich Quotes)
Survival is as much a matter of grace as fight. The expression, ‘grace under pressure’ implies the attainment of equanimity and equilibrium. The fundamental durability of the human body surprises us because the pain can be so intense - yet pain is often transient and hides the tremendous effforts the body is engaged in to heal itself (Gretel Ehrlich Quotes)
Between highway sounds I heard waves and thought how the curve of the coastline here had sheltered and nurtured live-born sharks, humans, and migrating whales. Here, at the edge of the continent, time and distance stopped; in the lull between sets of waves I could get a fresh start (Gretel Ehrlich Quotes)
As fog moved to the mainland I heard a flock of birds fly over. They sounded like a dress rustling, a dress being unfastened and dropping to the floor. Fog came unpinned like hair. On the beach cliffs, great colonies of datura - jimson weed - with their white trumpet flowers, looked like brass bands (Gretel Ehrlich Quotes)
There is nothing in nature that can’t be taken as a sign of both morality and invigoration (Gretel Ehrlich Quotes)
There is nothing in nature that can’t be taken as a sign of both mortality and invigoration (Gretel Ehrlich Quotes)
Honesty is stronger medicine than sympathy, which may console but often hides (Gretel Ehrlich Quotes)
Walking is also an ambulation of mind (Gretel Ehrlich Quotes)
To know something, then, we must be scrubbed raw, the fasting heart exposed (Gretel Ehrlich Quotes)
Honesty is stronger medicine than sympathy, which may console but often conceals (Gretel Ehrlich Quotes)
True solace is finding none, which is to say, it is everywhere (Gretel Ehrlich Quotes)
Everything in nature invites us constantly to be what we are (Gretel Ehrlich Quotes)
Leaves are verbs that conjugate the seasons (Gretel Ehrlich Quotes)
Ritual which could entail a wedding or brushing one’s teeth goes in the direction of life. Through it we reconcile our barbed solitude with rushing, irreducible conditions of life (Gretel Ehrlich Quotes)
To rise above tree line is to go above thought, and after, the descent back into birdsong, bog orchids, willows, and firs is to sink into the preliterate parts of ourselves (Gretel Ehrlich Quotes)
Finally, the lessons of impermanence taught me this: loss constitutes an odd kind of fullness; despair empties out into an unquenchable appetite for life (Gretel Ehrlich Quotes)
To long for love, to have experienced passion’s deep pleasure, even once, is to understand the mercilessness of having a human body whose memory rides desire’s back unanchored from season to season (Gretel Ehrlich Quotes)
A tree is a thought, an obstruction stopping the flow of wind and light, trapping water, housing insects, birds, and animals, and breathing in and out. How treelike the human, how human the tree (Gretel Ehrlich Quotes)
It’s no wonder human beings are so narcissistic. The way our ears are constructed, we can hear only what is right next to us or else the internal monologue inside (Gretel Ehrlich Quotes)
To rise above treeline is to go above thought, and after, the descent back into bird song, bog orchids, willows, and firs is to sink into the preliterate parts of ourselves (Gretel Ehrlich Quotes)
History is an illogical record. It hinges on nothing. It is a story that changes, and has accidents, and recovers with scars (Gretel Ehrlich Quotes)
Animals give us their constant, unjaded faces, and we burden them with our bodies and civilized ordeals (Gretel Ehrlich Quotes)
I like big, open, spare landscapes. There’s lots of room. Nobody bothers you... I feel as if I can think there (Gretel Ehrlich Quotes)
Everything in nature invites us constantly to be what we are. We are often like rivers: careless and forceful, timid and dangerous, lucid and muddied, eddying, gleaming, still (Gretel Ehrlich Quotes)
The toughness I was learning was not a martyred doggedness, a dumb heroism, but the art of accommodation. I thought: to be tough is to be fragile; to be tender is to be truly fierce (Gretel Ehrlich Quotes)
To trace the history of a river... is to trace the history of the soul, the history of the mind descending and arising in the body (Gretel Ehrlich Quotes)
To trace the history of a river or a raindrop is also to trace the history of the soul, the history of the mind descending and arising in the body. In both, we constantly seek and stumble upon divinity, which like feeding the lake, and the spring becoming a waterfall, feeds, spills, falls, and feeds itself all over again (Gretel Ehrlich Quotes)
Love life first, then march through the gates of each season; go inside nature and develop the discipline to stop destructive behavior; learn tenderness toward experience, then make decisions based on creating biological wealth that includes all people, animals, cultures, currencies, languages, and the living things as yet undiscovered; listen to the truth the land will tell you; act accordingly (Gretel Ehrlich Quotes)
Autumn teaches us that fruition is also death; that ripeness is a form of decay. The willows, having stood for so long near water, begin to rust. Leaves are verbs that conjugate the seasons (Gretel Ehrlich Quotes)
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