Grey Quotes

Text Quotes
My uniform: grey suit, white shirt, grey tie and tie bar, grey cardigan and black wingtips (Grey Quotes)
Leather pants are my guilty fashion pleasure. I have at least 10 pairs in navy, red, white, dusty pink, grey, suede and black. (Grey Quotes)
At pivotal moments throughout history, there have always been grey areas, and there likely will be in the future. Courage now lies not in the black and white, as in the past, but in the grey. (Grey Quotes)
When I was young, I had a very clear point of view on things in life, on moral questions. There was a black and white viewpoint on my world. As I’ve gotten older, I see the grey areas appear. (Grey Quotes)
The world is not black and white; there are lots of shades of grey. There are good things and bad things in every era, and I think it’s kind of very blindfolded to say one era was wonderful, as it was wonderful, but there were a lot of bad things as well. (Grey Quotes)
It’s a black and white issue: gray is grey, and there’s no two ways about it (Grey Quotes)
In a world of increasing grey areas, we are becoming more and more entrenched in black and white positions. (Grey Quotes)
Whenever there is discussion, I make it clear that I do not want any grey zones, just black and white. (Grey Quotes)
I made my way on to a grey list, a black list even. That’s something I’m very proud of, actually. (Grey Quotes)
I think love keeps on changing every day. It’s not black and white and it’s definitely more than 50 shades of grey. (Grey Quotes)
I’m trying to incorporate colour into my life. Until recently, everything in my closet was black, white, grey, navy or olive. (Grey Quotes)
Scrape the grey sky clean, realize that every dark cloud is a smokescreen meant to blind us from the truth (Grey Quotes)
In motorsports we work in the grey areas a lot. You’re trying to find where the holes are in the rule book. (Grey Quotes)
The job has left me with a healthy disregard for what you might call Public Life. I have no desire now to go to receptions, to be seen at gatherings of the great and the good, to stand and be bored to death by men in grey suits. (Grey Quotes)
Not so great in England at the moment; in an online poll we came last, we actually came bottom of European countries for quality of life, because of things like the weather, obviously, late retirement, poor holiday, poor public services, poor health service; it’s basically just a kind of grey, godless wilderness, full of cold pies and broken dreams. (Grey Quotes)
We shouldn’t build a technology to colour, or grey out, what people say. The media in general is balanced, although there are a lot of issues to be addressed that the media rightly pick up on. (Grey Quotes)
Soup’s on and I got a coupon. Chinese restaurant asking for the Grey Poupon. He said No, duck sauce, soy sauce... And this ain’t no Burger King, so you no get no toy, boss. (Grey Quotes)
Christian Grey - he isn’t a real person. He’s a superhero. A myth. He’s like Bigfoot! He’s unbelievable. He’s unattainable. There’s no actor in the world who could live up to that. (Grey Quotes)
I’ve never wanted more, until I met you. - Christian Grey, Fifty Shades of Grey (Grey Quotes)
It was Sunday morning, and old people passed me like sad grey waves on their way to church (Grey Quotes)
Originally, we were going to set up a cappuccino bar in the showroom, but we’ve been so busy, ... We decided when we’re old and grey, we’re going to set up a coffee shop, and we formed the company about 18 months ago when we thought of the name. It’s going to be TLC - Tastes Like Chocolate. (Grey Quotes)
I think my music’s kind of cold, but I don’t know if it’s related to the weather. It might be because it’s always grey [in Montreal], it’s very depressing. (Grey Quotes)
America owed its military renaissance in the 1980s and 1990s to Vietnam. Veterans like Norman Schwartzkopf, Colin Powell, Alfred Grey, Charles Krulak, and Wesley Clark returned home angry and ashamed at their defeat and rebuilt all-volunteer, professional armed forces from the ground up. (Grey Quotes)
Love comes in every color, but the fact is... I never needed 50 Shades of Grey, Just turn the lights down low and give me every shade of blackness. (Grey Quotes)
His ruby red rimmed moist eyes were two glasses of cranberry. He wore a cashmere sweater the color of Earl Grey tea... (Grey Quotes)
I never liked Gandalf the White as much as Gandalf the Grey, and I never liked him coming back. I think it would have been an even stronger story if Tolkien had left him dead. (Grey Quotes)
I’ll walk where my own nature would be leading: It vexes me to choose another guide: Where the grey flocks in ferny glens are feeding; Where the wild wind blows on the mountain-side. (Grey Quotes)
I suspect that dreams are an integral part of existence, with far more use for us than we’ve made of them...The fine line between the dream state and reality is at times, for me, quite grey. (Grey Quotes)
Selfhood is a heavy, hardly translucent medium, which cuts off most of the light of reality and distorts what little it permits to pass.’ This is Huxley’s central notion [of Grey Eminence], that we should ‘stand out of our own light’ in order to see the eternal truths. (Grey Quotes)
You’re like a grey sky. You’re beautiful, even though you don’t want to be. (Grey Quotes)