Grief Quotes

Text Quotes
I couldn’t have foreseen all the good things that have followed my mother’s death. The renewed energy, the surprising sweetness of grief. The tenderness I feel for strangers on walkers. The deeper love I have for my siblings and friends. The desire to play the mandolin. The gift of a visitation (Grief Quotes)
No one feels another’s grief, no one understands another’s joy. People imagine they can reach one another. In reality they only pass each other by (Grief Quotes)
To rejoice in another’s prosperity is to give content to your lot; to mitigate another’s grief is to alleviate or dispel your own (Grief Quotes)
Verse is not written, it is bled; Out of the poet’s abstract head. Words drip the poem on the page; Out of his grief, delight and rage (Grief Quotes)
I feel like the writer observing the grief, but it is difficult to be detached from it (Grief Quotes)
Grief is like a moving river, so that’s what I mean by it’s always changing. It’s a strange thing to say because I’m at heart an optimistic person, but I would say in some ways it just gets worse. It’s just that the more time that passes, the more you miss someone (Grief Quotes)
This book, conceived in sorrow, composed in grief, and constructed at the brink of despair, contains my mind’s best thoughts, and my soul’s triumph over the powers of darkness (Grief Quotes)
By the breaking in of enraged merciless armies, flourishing countries have been laid waste, great numbers of people have perished in a short time, and many more have been pressed with poverty and grief (Grief Quotes)
Against the sustained tick of a watch, fiction takes the measure of a life, a season, a look exchanged, the turning point, desire as brief as a dream, the grief and terror that after childhood we cease to express (Grief Quotes)
Funeral expenses are the curse of the poor everywhere on earth, they are wasteful and unnecessary, they are the price of foolish ostentation and a display that is less an evidence of grief than a vulgar travesty of those pompous obsequies where no grief is (Grief Quotes)
We collected in a group in front of their door, and we experienced within ourselves a grief that was new for us, the ancient grief of the people that has no land, the grief without hope of the exodus which is renewed in every century (Grief Quotes)
There is far too much talk of love and grief benumbing the faculties, turning the hair gray, and destroying a man’s interest in his work. Grief has made many a man look younger (Grief Quotes)
The memory of most men is an abandoned cemetery where lie, unsung and unhonored, the dead whom they have ceased to cherish. Any lasting grief is reproof to their neglect (Grief Quotes)
People are people, and grief that is limited to those within a specific political boundary denies the humanity of others (Grief Quotes)
Strictly speaking, there is but one real evil: I mean acute pain. All other complaints are so considerably diminished by time that it is plain the grief is owing to our passion, since the sensation of it vanishes when that is over (Grief Quotes)
God is a shower to the heart burned up with grief; God is a sun to the face deluged with tears (Grief Quotes)
We hear the rain fall, but not the snow. Bitter grief is loud, calm grief is silent (Grief Quotes)
Great grief makes sacred those upon whom its hand is laid. Joy may elevate, ambition glorify, but sorrow alone can consecrate (Grief Quotes)
It was among farmers and potato diggers and old men in workhouses and beggars at my own door that I found what was beyond these and yet farther beyond that drawingroom poet of my childhood in the expression of love, and grief, and the pain of parting, that are the disclosure of the individual soul (Grief Quotes)
Animals have a much better attitude to life and death than we do. They know when their time has come. We are the ones that suffer when they pass, but it’s a healing kind of grief that enables us to deal with other griefs that are not so easy to grab hold of (Grief Quotes)
Grief and memory go together. After someone dies, that’s what you’re left with. And the memories are so slippery yet so rich (Grief Quotes)
... you have to learn where your pain is. You have to burrow down and find the wound, and if the burden of it is too terrible to shoulder, you have to shout it out; you have to shout for help... And then finally, the way through grief is grieving (Grief Quotes)
There’s a moment when love makes you believe in death for the first time. You recognize the one whose loss, even contemplated, you’ll carry forever, like a sleeping child. All grief, anyone’s grief... is the weight of a sleeping child (Grief Quotes)
And no matter what anybody says about grief and about time healing all wounds, the truth is, there are certain sorrows that never fade away until the heart stops beating and the last breath is taken (Grief Quotes)
All these tears shed in the world, where do they go? If one could capture all of them, they could water the parched. Then perhaps these tears would have value and all this grief would have some meaning. Otherwise, it was all a waste, just an endless cycle of birth and death; of love and loss (Grief Quotes)
Strength isn’t about bearing a cross of grief or shame. Strength comes from choosing your own path, and living with the consequences (Grief Quotes)
Why does tragedy exist? Because you are full of rage. Why are you full of rage? Because you are full of grief (Grief Quotes)
She remembered him smiling, and realized that time, that great old healer, had finally accomplished its work, and now, across the years, the face of love no longer stirred up agonies of grief and bitterness. Rather, one was left feeling simply grateful. For how unimaginably empty the past would be without him to remember (Grief Quotes)
It’s funny, how one can look back on a sorrow one thought one might well die of at the time, and know that one had not yet reckoned the tenth part of true grief (Grief Quotes)
He felt full of a dense and sour substance that was blocking his chest, and it wasn’t grief. After all those years, life now seemed like no more than a trap, a maze, not even a maze, just a room that was all walls, no door (Grief Quotes)